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  • dhen replied to the topic Can you help? in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    Hi Steve,
    I am always seeking info about realestate and to this end your forum and newsletters are greatly apreciated.
    I am always looking at smarter ways to make my dollars work in the real estate arena. A particular interest is the movement of rural median housing prices in the rural areas. Orange NSW is an area I have been investing in…[Read more]

  • dhen replied to the topic Finding a tennant in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    Thank you all,
    I must say I am encouraged by your replys. I think the idea of adding an incentive to the deal is a good one. Also the heater needs to be looked at. It has an electric one at the moment, I might explore the possibility of getting a gas heater installed.
    Thanks all.


