Forum Replies Created
Mr. Moderator,
By your own admission you did not see my original posts. Yet you use words like "libelous" and "defamatory" very freely. Had you read my posts, you would have discovered that I wrote down in a very detailed manner the modus operendi of Parktrent. But if you want to really discover the truth oabout your client, whom you are so vehemently protecting, check into some of the properties they are selling yourself – Pakenham in Vic is one, and others which have been named in several other posts. You will find that the Parktrent prices are anything upwards of 30% higher than the market rate 2 years ago, and of course an absolute disaster today for anyone foolish enough to have been roped in.
I am sure the Tax department would be very happy to hear their salesmen using phrases like "have an interstate holiday on the tax dept. – buy interstate, and use your rpoperty as an excuse to take a holiday, and claim all expenses as a visit as "checking out" your property, which you will visit for 5 minutes – the law does not state that a vist must be either legitimate or of any worth, so you aren't breaking the law" etc etc..
Get real. We have your interests at heart, or do you want to be tarnished with the same brush.
I see that both my posts have been deleted by the administrator at the behest of Park Trent.
Well – dah ??!!!
What else would they do when I was so specific in my condemnation of their modus operendi – send me a lotto ticket that is as sure to be a winner as their investment schemes ??
I have never heard of anyone being sued for libel when they spoke the truth, with hard evidence to back up their statements. And the fact that many others have come forward with the same story, both those who have been censored and well as those who have been published, is proof sufficient that my statements are well founded!
Word of mouth has already spread far and wide and I will continue in my efforts to spread the TRUTH !So Mr. Administrator, stick your editorializing where the sun don't shine.
[Removed due to questionable content at the request of Park Trent Properties Group Pty Ltd]
[Removed due to questionable content at the request of Park Trent Properties Group Pty Ltd]