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  • DEViNE_BRUNET replied to the topic Anyone Know About Road Construction? in the forum Opinionated! 19 years, 6 months ago

    Then how come every week i visit the block a new layer is done [upsidedown]and the council told me the land is expected to settle in June/July. I dont think they would have gone this far and stop and wait to do the last layer in december?I dont think they would waste their time……

    But then again i might be in the wrong place asking this as you…[Read more]

  • DEViNE_BRUNET replied to the topic Anyone Know About Road Construction? in the forum Opinionated! 19 years, 6 months ago

    Well as im new to this ill try and explain the best way as possible [biggrin]Land Settlement as in when the land settles into our name and they can start building. We went to visit the block again today and they seemed to have done work on it in the mean time, which i thought they would of since its been nice and sunny in Melbourne with no rain…[Read more]

  • DEViNE_BRUNET replied to the topic DISGRACEFUL AUSSIES!!! in the forum Opinionated! 19 years, 6 months ago

    resiwealth, im in Melbourne myself. I think it was just a heat of the moment thing. The media would have heard one person say that [if anyone did] and they would of blew it out of porportion. From what i heard it was also the Americans and many other countries that wanted their money back not just Australians aslo the red cross apprantly wanted…[Read more]


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