Desertchik replied to the topic Placing personally owned property into an existing Property Trust in the forum Thanks Terry .. I’ve clearly 14 years ago
Thanks Terry .. I've clearly got my dividents & beneficiary tags mixed up but you got my intention so thank you for working through with it .. and answering my questions.
Desertchik replied to the topic Placing personally owned property into an existing Property Trust in the forum Legal & Accounting 14 years ago
Thanks IP .. I'll do that
Desertchik replied to the topic leaving job after unconditional approval in the forum Finance 16 years ago
I think you'll find in 'the small print' that should your circumstances change (ie: employment), then your bank has the right to withdraw any previous 'unconditional' approval. Personally I'd be staying within the job until the finance was complete before risking losing it all.
Desertchik replied to the topic Pets & Apartments in the forum General Property 21 years ago
I rent an appartment, and have a dog (cocker spaniel) and a 14 yr old son … which of the 2 is more of a nuisence is still being determined!
I’m also an IP landlord and have no objections to my tenants having a pet and if there are fleas at the end of the tennancy .. it comes out of the bond surely?
I’ve never been any trouble to my landlords,…[Read more]