Hi RickH,I'm currently doing my DD on the US and i am also thinking of investing in KC, as well as Atlanta and Phoenix. Could you tell me the Zip codes of your KC properties? ie 64 XXX. It would be of real interest to me.Thanks Dean.
They advised against investing in the US ??? nothing kills your great ideas more than people with small ideas and limited imaginations. People like this will always tell you why something won’t work and never give any reasons as to why it will.All good. More for me.
Scott No Mates wrote:
What exactly does the LEP say? Does it prescribe an FSR of 0.75:1 or must you have 25% of the area as open space with no cap on building area? Does that include circulation space for cars/pedestrians? Provision for visitor parking? Provision for private open space? You may find that the building area will get hammered when…[Read more]
Don't listen to people who say 'you have to diversify'. If you do your homework correctly and know your market then you CAN put all your eggs in one basket and make a killing.Diversification is only for people who have no idea what they're doing.
15/85 hey??? Well it sounds like Mark is getting stingy. When i did his course last year he offered a 35/65 deal.Anyway my business partner an i took advantage of his knowledge and info and did the deals ourselves as we decided that 100% was a lot better Remember the key here is knowing what council are doing with future re-zoning and committing…[Read more]
A good rule of thumb for No.4 )Town Houses usually require 250sqm plots. So if you have a 2500 sqm block, take away 10% for drive ways and community space then divide the result by 250 to get the number of units for the block.Therefore 2500 -10% = 2250Left over = 2250sqm/250No. of units on the block = 9