Total Members: 159,712


  • Dazzling replied to the topic 2.3 million of property in the forum Scamp wrote:
    I’m glad you’re
    17 years ago

    Scamp wrote:
    I'm glad you're doing so well Nucopia, you're one of the first people who actually have a POSITIVE geared property investment. Actually, you're the second one that ever posted he had a positive geared investment instead of a negative geared one. It's good to hear at least someone did their maths.Unfortunately , for every positive…[Read more]

  • Dazzling replied to the topic WealthScore…. How Did You Go? in the forum General Property 17 years ago

    Bugger all at the moment.  Just purchased – probably – my last property and just bedding that down before trying this LOE for a lark.  Our annual expenses, with 3 kids just about to head into private school amounts to far less than 1% of our portfolio, so I reckon we can reasonably expect the portfolio to grow by this every year.  Happy days re…[Read more]

  • Dazzling replied to the topic WealthScore…. How Did You Go? in the forum General Property 17 years ago

    Scored 135…..that is years…not days.Looks like my unborn grandkids and even their children can now retire.But what's the point….may as well keep doing what I'm doing.

  • Dazzling replied to the topic I no longer want to be a slave……………. in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    foundation wrote:
      "I am beginning to be swayed by your arguments."Don't be! Follow your own mind. Anybody who'd listened to my argument 2 or 3 years ago would have missed out on a massive windfall if they'd planned to buy in Perth

    Ah Foundation is at it again.  I was one of the fortunate ones on this very forum I suppose who had the p…[Read more]

  • We used to have these dramas when we bought residential property.  You get over all of the female emotional side of things and eventually you start concentrating on the dollars and treating it like a professional million dollar business that it is.Being forced to wade through people's private lives to protect your investment, and all of the si…[Read more]

  • Dazzling replied to the topic Where have all the buyers gone? (Perth) in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago wrote:
    And all those Perth people were warned that booms never last … also medium price too high now and ROI shot out the doors …

    Haven't posted for about a year now, but this one caught my eye.What a fantastic "I told you so" post……absolute poppycock the lot of it.The Perth market is a tad larger than little ol'…[Read more]

  • Dazzling replied to the topic Commercial help needed in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Originally posted by Scottybe:
    I would actually be applying to the bank that has the lease for that loan, interesting!

    Nope….not interesting at all….it’s called “conflict of interest”. You can’t ask your financier to support you as the Lessor when they have a major interest as the opposing party to the Lease contract.

    I’d be highly…[Read more]

  • Dazzling replied to the topic I told you so !!!!! in the forum General Property 18 years ago


    I gotta hand it to you for consistency…’ve been bangin’ that negative drum of yours for the full two years that you’ve been on this forum as a member.

    You have come up with a massive array of thoughtful, well researched data about why the sky is going to fall in. BUT, you have consistently avoided my questions about what you would…[Read more]

  • Dazzling replied to the topic Death of a member in the forum General Property 18 years ago

    That’s a real shame….SIS was an amazing mind who really shone when it came to investing.

    I can remember one of those “young investor” threads, and many many young investors jumped and said things like “Yeah I started at 22 and am 24 now and have 3 properties” and different versions of these. I can distinctly remember SIS wading in saying “I’m…[Read more]

  • Dazzling replied to the topic Investors Club properties in the forum General Property 18 years ago

    … i asked the support member why he thought the stock represented good value and investment potential.

    All he kept saying was that the club has thoroughly researched the property which represented a peace of mind purchasing decission.

    Go figure ???

    Exactly…..and if you’ve ever had the opportunity to meet one of these highly praised “Club…[Read more]

  • Dazzling replied to the topic Can somebody, ANYBODY, get rid of the rubbish” in the forum No Subject 18 years ago

    First time on here for 2 days…..looks like all of the other Mods / Admin are on holidays as well.

    Just spent an hour getting rid of the worst of them.

    Please point out any more to me and I’ll get them wiped as well.

  • Dazzling replied to the topic 4.75M property in contract for 1.9M in the forum General Property 18 years ago

    …..and if you didn’t know this was an Ozzie site, you probably also didn’t know one teensy little rule about the site, and that is that blatant crass advertising and trolling for business is slightly frowned upon.

    Have a walk around Irvine if it’s so wealthy…..they’ll no doubt be plenty of people who’ll take you up on your offer.

    Happy days.…[Read more]

  • Dazzling replied to the topic What do you want to know?? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Yeah mate….

    I’m not interested in any of that technical mumbo jumbo or stats or whatever….it’s all double dutch to me.

    Alls I wants to know is how do youse guys buy 10 MM bucks worth of really good houses without having any of the hassles…oh…and I don’t want to pay anything either. Giv vus a cuppla those and she’ll be apples mate.

    I…[Read more]

  • Dazzling replied to the topic Dont hold back tell me what you reckon in the forum General Property 18 years ago

    No land component – wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole…

    Forget the cashflow side for a minute…..what do you {project / think / believe / guess} it will be worth to you in 10 years time ??

  • Dazzling replied to the topic do i or dont i in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Good on you smiley71…..congratulations on your first IP purchase.

  • Dazzling replied to the topic Mens Tie preferences?? in the forum Opinionated! 18 years ago

    I heard they were first worn by the Roman foot soldiers, slogging it out over long marches. Sounds realistic for me to be founded in some form of truth.

    It was literally a rag around their necks to wipe both the sweat and dust from their faces and brows as they marched through the parched battlefields.

    How it went from there to be worn by posh…[Read more]

  • Dazzling replied to the topic $5.25 mil gain in 18 months! in the forum General Property 18 years ago

    The wife and I walk past # 20 every morning during our daily constitutional. It’s been permanently knobbled.

    It used to be on one title, on the corner and fronting the river. A beautiful 102m frontage to a quiet street, and a 40m frontage to both Jutland Parade and the Swan river. A prime 4,000 sqm block.

    Since the river frontage was carved…[Read more]

  • Dazzling replied to the topic Buying land (no house)…….. in the forum General Property 18 years ago

    Originally posted by GoldCoastGirl:

  • Dazzling replied to the topic What Rent to Ask in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Originally posted by Ana:
    Sorry, I forgot to add that we have 6 weeks for settlement which buys us some time to investigate.

    I would have assumed this would have been one of the crucial planks in your due diligence process, well before you signed the offer to purchase.

    Finding out rental levels now is like the proverbial bolting horse.

    If it’s…[Read more]

  • Dazzling replied to the topic decking costs in the forum Value Adding 18 years ago

    Wow, this is all a bit surreal as we have the carpenter and his 3 assistants around our place this morning slapping it up as I write.

    Quote was to supply all labour and everything except the top decking timber.

    Deck is 9m x 4m.

    The quote was for 5K.

    The jarrah decking boards were 1.3K.

    They started this morning and should be finished this…[Read more]

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