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  • DavidU replied to the topic Quickie for mortgag brokers – Cash… but no job in the forum No Subject 21 years, 3 months ago

    Thanks again

    Could anyone clarify the definition of ‘metropolitan and major cities’ areas?

    Would it for example, include, say Ballarat, Geelong etc??


    David U

  • DavidU replied to the topic Quickie for mortgag brokers – Cash… but no job in the forum No Subject 21 years, 3 months ago


    Thanks everyone.

    These loans are just for short term holding; ie buy, settle and then on sell immediately at retail (not wrap!), so the interest rate is not of the utmost importance as the property will be held for say 120 days max.

    Stuart, with the Eurofinance loan mentioned, are there are loan break fees and post code…[Read more]

  • DavidU replied to the topic finding cheap properties in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 4 months ago


    Been a way for a while. It is true that this subject has been bled to death.

    In my experience, the best deals are not found on the internet at all. They have been found, just walking around looking in real estate agent’s windows….

    The internet certainly works as a filtering tool for possible investing areas, but just looking at the…[Read more]

  • DavidU replied to the topic NZ suburbs in the forum No Subject 21 years, 4 months ago

    Hear hear

    Well said Mr Trass for articulating perfectly my views about why it can be hazardous to invest in small rural NZ towns.

    Coming from such a knowledgeable and authorative source as yourself, I hope others will take heed of your words of wisdom.


    David U

  • DavidU replied to the topic need some advise please in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Delight

    When you say ‘bought’, what exactly do you mean? Have you signed the contract yet?

    If so, be careful, you may be in a position where you have a legally binding contract and will be forced to purchase despite your reservations. Check the contingency clauses in your contact if this is the case.

    My advice for what it’s worth (and this…[Read more]

  • DavidU replied to the topic wraps….explain sloooooowly in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 4 months ago


    Here’s a link that will explain wraps in a bit more detail

    Personally, if I was you, I’d pay EXTRA special attention to the ‘Critical Success Factors’


    David U

  • DavidU replied to the topic not happy with valuation in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 4 months ago


    I 100% agree with Elysium-M.

    In a situation whereby you employ the services of a valuer who will effectively ‘roll over’ for you , there are two (or more) possible consequences

    i) The valuer will get blacklisted by the lending institution

    ii) The valuer will sue you

    This is what is happening in NZ to ESC (RichMastery)who are currently…[Read more]

  • DavidU replied to the topic not happy with valuation in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 4 months ago


    No probs. Real estate is essentially a game; play by the rules, you get what you want… Everybody is happy.

    Also forgot to add, in putting together comparable sales, EXCLUDE any recent sales that will not benefit you; eg property a few doors down sold cheaply due to a distressed sale will NOT add to your case, so do not include it in…[Read more]

  • DavidU replied to the topic not happy with valuation in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Kooringal

    In this current market, valuers are extremely busy and in carrying out a valuation will just look at recent sales which in most cases are in excess of 6 months old. This is a problem in a fast moving market.

    To ensure you get the valuation needed, YOU have to do the homework for them; ie provide them with 5-6 recent comparable…[Read more]

  • DavidU replied to the topic Vendor too greedy in the forum No Subject 21 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Ish

    I don’t think the vendor is being too greedy. You both have agreed to the purchase price, so there’s no real need for the vendor to reduce the price REGARDLESS of the valuation.

    Unfortunately, I believe the vendor understands your pysche, ie i) You are a newbie ii) You are an out of towner. Put i) and ii) together and you get a highly…[Read more]

  • DavidU replied to the topic HK EXPOS’E ON TODAY TONIGHT, TONIGHT! in the forum No Subject 21 years, 4 months ago

    Hi vluu27

    I understand what you are saying but I feel that’s closing the stable door AFTER the horse has bolted.

    My point was that UPFRONT research would have uncovered these distasteful tactics that yourself and many people are unhappy with; ie a refund would not have been required as the research would have led you to the correct decision in…[Read more]

  • DavidU replied to the topic HK EXPOS’E ON TODAY TONIGHT, TONIGHT! in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 4 months ago


    Not meaning to stir up a hornet’s nest but…

    First of all, I’m no fan of HK or of anything that he advocates.

    However, in my opinion, people who are prepared to pay in excess of $15k for a seminar WITHOUT doing their due dilligence about the company or the officials behind it (ie eyes wide shut)in the remote hope that it will be a PANACEA…[Read more]

  • DavidU replied to the topic NZ suburbs in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Sooshie

    What you are saying is true; but seeing as I will be moving to NZ permanently in the next 12 months, I was making my comments from the perspective of a NZ resident.


    David U

  • DavidU replied to the topic NZ suburbs in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 5 months ago


    Basically NOTHING… Well not much anyway

    No stamp duty on loan
    No stamp duty on mortgage

    Costs will be:

    Application fee for loan
    Legal/conveyancing costs
    Inspection costs; building, pest and LIM
    Valuation report
    Minimal settlement fees

    That’s about it!!

    P.S also NO capital gain tax if it’s bought as a long term buy and hold


    David U

  • DavidU replied to the topic Migration patterns of a lemming… Sound familiar? in the forum No Subject 21 years, 5 months ago

    Hi Barb

    Thanks for that post… My spiel was for the general info of ‘Non-Kiwi’ newbies who may be confused with all the terminology and its relevance.

    I already know you have your system down pat. [:)]

    Sooshie… No probs


    David U

  • DavidU replied to the topic Another NZ question! in the forum No Subject 21 years, 5 months ago

    Hi Westan

    Sounds too easy…

    What about credit checks?

    David U

  • DavidU replied to the topic Another NZ question! in the forum No Subject 21 years, 5 months ago


    Good stuff!

    How did they verify your income?


    David U

  • DavidU replied to the topic Migration patterns of a lemming… Sound familiar? in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 5 months ago

    Bruce… Lemming…? I doubt it… I can confidently say that you’re ONE of a kind.

    My strategies for reducing risk are as follows:

    i)All my loans have now been reverted to p & i

    ii)I have 3 months worth of cash in the bank to cover absolutely worst case scenario of having all my properties empty.

    iii) The combined LVR of all my properties is…[Read more]

  • DavidU replied to the topic Migration patterns of a lemming… Sound familiar? in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 5 months ago


    Just a note of caution about using GV as a proxy for the market (real) value.

    GV’s are basically government valuations carried out by local councils every 3-4 years by use of an almost ‘adhoc kerbside’ methodology.

    They are also known as CVs (Capital Values). Capital Values = Land Value + Value of Improvements to the land (ie the building…[Read more]

  • DavidU replied to the topic Migration patterns of a lemming… Sound familiar? in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 5 months ago


    Let me put the quote into context.

    It was made by a U.S journalist 3 months PRIOR to the crash of the internet (Dot Com) sector.

    To paraphrase, he was basically saying was that one could normally predict the bust of a bubble because normally record and unprecedented levels of activity precede the impending crash.

    I think in this case the…[Read more]

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