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  • davidg2152 replied to the topic Sell Vs rent it out in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 6 months ago

    By the way what is a depreciation schedule?
    I think I need to do some fast reading!

  • davidg2152 replied to the topic Sell Vs rent it out in the forum No Subject 18 years, 6 months ago

    Thanks sooooo much for everyones input. I feel alot better that renting it out is not a stupid thing to do when we still owe alot.
    I am just not into IP and I guess this is because I never thought I would have one/be in this position.
    We are going to live in Canberra for good. So if we rent Sydney out should we try and buy in A.C.T ASAP as…[Read more]

  • davidg2152 replied to the topic How do I go about this in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 6 months ago

    I’m not really sure but I think that you can just get an agreement written up with the Strata. My friend had a similar situation and was worried that by pointing it out she might lose the good garage! but she was part of her Strata Executive Committee, so I think it was pretty easy for her to organise the appropriate agreements. I think…[Read more]


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