davidF replied to the topic CGT main residence and FHOG requirment in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 5 months ago
Terryw wrote:
Where did you live as your main residence?If you moved in 1 jan and out 30 april then you haven't lived there 6 months so wouldn't qualify for the FHOG.I did not move out 30 april, but I would like to select my wife's unit as main residence when she moved in to my TH. So we both select her unit as our main residence for CGT…[Read more]
davidF replied to the topic CGT main residence and FHOG requirment in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 6 months ago
Terryw wrote:
FHOG and CGT have different requirements.The requirement for a FHOG is that you have to live there for 6 months which you appear to have done.The requirement for the CGT main residence exemption is that the property has to be your main residence or was your main residence and you are temporarily absent.Couples can only have one…[Read more]