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  • Profile photo of david e-noosa

    I can not see why the lenders have a problem with that. I have been a Pty Ltd Company since ’92 and have never had problems borrowing money. They look at the company figures plus my individual tax returns and that is shown in the company figures. The great thing about BAS in this case is we no longer need to get updated accountant figures mid year if needed as its all in the BAS.

    I see many people running as sole traders or partnerships that would be better of as companies. But I also see people being set up as companies that have no real need to. Similar to the craze a few years back to have yourself set up offshore.

    David J
    Licenced Agent/Sales Manager

    Profile photo of david e-noosa

    To add to this interesting topic and I see other REA’s out there one being near me at Noosa plus some deep thinkers with life changing commitments.

    Been in real estate on the Sunshine coast since 1992 and owned my own office from then until 2002 when we sold the property management (the day after was the best day of my life) and the Building Society branch we had for five years also and shut the doors.

    I am now a Sales Manager of the RE office I work for and life is great.

    Have been in sales most of the past 25 yrs but started life as a plumber and done a zillion things in beteween. I made a coffee table once so I figured when we moved to QLD … hey I can built a house easy, so we did.

    Take care and don’t work your life away, its the only one you have.

    David J
    Licenced Agent/Sales Manager

    Profile photo of david e-noosa

    The Ulysses Club is a bike club (motor bike) for over 40′ and has over 23,000 members Australia wide. I mentioned it as I find they/we are everywhere [offtopic]

    Motto is Grow Old Disgracefullyand that suits me just fine

    David J
    Licenced Agent/Sales Manager

    Profile photo of david e-noosa

    Excellent reply Jo, I was pleased to see many thinkers here and that is the ONLY reason I joined and post.

    Sheep are sheep and many just follow the herd, sometimes to their advantage but usually a step behind so they ultimately lose.

    You said ” it is still a property being sold at a reduced cost is it not?” I say “at a reduced profit! ” for it is being purchased at “a reduced cost”

    As you know, its called “the market price” but you are all the market so what you consider is “the current” price is in fact “the market price”

    So what if there is not the 100% + (yes many properties here have doubled in approx 12mths) gains per year we have seen of late, there are still gains with property over the longer period.

    Anywho I enjoy it here, hope I can add something meaningful as time permits.

    ps any Ulysses members out there, ride safe

    David J
    Licenced Agent/Sales Manager

    Profile photo of david e-noosa
    Who said it’s not the time????? IMO it is currently a “buyer’s” market, and people SHOULD be buying property, HOWEVER they SHOULD NOT be OVER-EXTENDING themselves financially in doing this, regardless of whether these properties are positively or negatively geared.

    I don’t know what area you are located in but this is not a “Buyers Market” by any means on the Sunshine Coast residential market.

    We are however in a flat market and very price sensitive. We have a great number of new (last year or so) agents that are “buying” listings at present to keep their stocks up and their principals happy. When you get a long term agent putting a realistic figure of lets say for eg $290-300 on a property and another “been in the industry 5 mins” agent telling the seller their property is worth $350+ there are bound to be problems.

    From what I have read so far the members here have their heads screwed on right and do their due diligence on their targeted properties so they are unlikely to get caught paying above market price but some will. In general these “overpriced” listings will sit and sit ….. until the sellers get tired and realise their error so prices are reduce. To the general public this appears to be the property values dropping but in essence its not the case.

    The Sunshine Coast Qld market stopped dead almost over night in Feb 1995 (I had my own office from 1992 and we went from 8-10 sales per month to ones and twos) and didn’t start up again for real until mid to late 2002. Thats the common 7 year cycle. It has been happening since time began I expect and will continue, there is no better thing to invest your dollars in than land. Its been that way for as long as there is documented history.

    Having said that by no means take that as me just after sales, this area is no good at the present time for investors generally in the short term. For the long term players with the ability to look outside the square at times there are still deals to be had but they are not easy.

    There are towns where there are greater opportunities as just using the net you can locate them. or are but two.

    take care

    David J
    Licenced Agent/Sales Manager

    Profile photo of david e-noosa

    Marc said “The RE agent seems to believe that rent increase can only be the result of some improvement on the place”

    Lazy agent who sounds like they do not remmeber who they work for.

    Rent increases should be raised to meet the market and the best time is when changing tenants. Specially if demand is higher than supply as it genarally is in my area. You will find however that there will be a ceiling that is difficult to get beyond, you will know it when you hit it. Here it is $300/wk.

    Having just found this forum I find so many topics I would like to reply to but as usual time gets the better of me. I will try to check in each evening and inject where I can LOL even if its not agreed with [suave]

    David J
    Licenced Agent/Sales Manager

    Profile photo of david e-noosa

    Interesting topic…

    I can see things from both sides but there are some memorable quotes in this thread that made me chuckle.

    New boy on the block, will sit back and fit in where I can.

    I will say one thing that pops into my head just now “some sales people complain they are treated like used car salesmen” I say “act as a proffessional and people will treat you as such”

    Most “salespeople” and I use that term loosely, can see no further than their next sale. They lack the insight to look beyond that next commission cheque.

    Jenman has his good points and some I do not agre with, but he does get off his butt and go do something. Its easier to pick on the faults (or perceived faults) of others than it is to do a better job yourself.

    btw I am not and have never contemplated being a “Jenman Agent” I am however a student of life, fly with eagles, so they say.

    David J
    Licenced Agent/Sales Manager

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