david e-noosa replied to the topic ABS & RPData Conflicting in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Get everyone to line up and count them …
..sorry couldn’t help myself [biggrin]
David J
Licenced Agent/Sales Managerdavid e-noosa replied to the topic agents commission? in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
They can not by law charge you commission in QLD.
Its covered under the section “Beneficial Interest”
See page 122 section 145 special note part (4)
David J
Licenced Agent/Sales Managerdavid e-noosa replied to the topic Anyone take the piss out of Agents in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
Originally posted by aussierogue:
you gotta admit to being tempted to take the piss….what happened to the great aussie passtime of sarcasm? if the investor had any smarts he would realise yr taking the micky and have a laugh with you..btw you can run a spellcheck on my messages anytime and find numerous mistakes – you boffin…
Read the…[Read more]
david e-noosa replied to the topic Anyone take the piss out of Agents in the forum Opinionated! 21 years ago
I agree, the few bad agents out there spoil it for the majority, annoys me almost as bad as people who can not spell simple words.[biggrin]
David J
Licenced Agent/Sales Managerdavid e-noosa replied to the topic Offer/contract clauses in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
I imagine my solicitor would be very surprised if I signed a contract without it thoroughly being checked. He checks, I sign. That seems normal to me.
kay henry
Excellent, I think everyone should do this and not be hurried into a contract because the agent wants it that way. At the very least you would want a subject to approval of solicitor on…[Read more]
david e-noosa replied to the topic too much time spent on forum in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
If you find yourself compelled to check on a forum the minute you get back near your computer its time to rethink the situation.
I have been a net user (sounds bad) since ’95 and a forum/message board user since 1998, very heavy user I will admit until about 12mths ago. At its worst I even had to laeve visitors and check the board so enuff was…[Read more]
david e-noosa replied to the topic More on offer conditions … in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
Your thoughts (my appologies to the REA’s up front)
I have buyers try to lowball, they just don’t get away with it [grad]
Many years and hundreds of sales give me a wee bit more negotiating experience than most buyers, BUT (taking off RE hat) how else can a buyer flush out the best price apart from trying it on. The trick is to get it low enough…[Read more]
david e-noosa replied to the topic More on offer conditions … in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
another way is to sepak to the neighbours,
He is a black rapper guy I think [upsidedown]
Also in a silly mood
David J
Licenced Agent/Sales Managerdavid e-noosa replied to the topic Building in New Estates? in the forum Value Adding 21 years ago
You are correct builders do it but not on the same terms you would be up against.
Most builders get builders terms, that is they pay a deposit and get permission via the contract to build a home on the land and settlement terms usually are 6 – 12mths or sale which ever the shorter. So they get to build a new home without outlaying the money to…[Read more]
david e-noosa replied to the topic Agent Update!!! in the forum General Property 21 years ago
I peeked at E.Mcd’s profile and if the age is correct you will have a long and happy life in real estate, wise beyond your years.
I think this has been replied to quite well but will just second the thoughts of some.
The market in our area is steady, level market and the rise stopped about mid November but only the astute would have picked it…[Read more]
david e-noosa replied to the topic Website – stats in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
Because it was purchased by the owners of realestate.com.au who also own RPdata and took over ABR as well.
property.com.au has recently been acquired by realestate.com.au.
David J
Licenced Agent/Sales Managerdavid e-noosa replied to the topic are bad tenants more likely when self managing in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
True story, happened to a friend of a friend of mine [laughing]
Years back I put an advert into a newspaper for a rental property I was managing. Now I rarely had to advertise rentals as the walkin enquiry was so high it was annoying at times. However this time I did and instead of placing our franchise logo below the paper just ended the advert…[Read more]
david e-noosa replied to the topic Matrix Properties in the forum Creative Investing 21 years ago
The problem with this is the “POOLED FUNDS” being invested. Also 99% if not all of HYIP’s or High Yeild Investment Programs are fraudulent.
The ASIC investigation found that QN operated an illegal investment scheme by pooling and investing some of the funds received from investors in high yield schemes in Vanuatu and other offshore schemes…[Read more]
david e-noosa replied to the topic PM-Agency dropped us (Perth) in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
I understand this is not your real problem here but I never located tenants for someone to manage themselves, its not worth the liablity problems that can happen when something goes wrong just for a letting fee.
There must be a good PM in your area, I personally would prefer a agency with as separate a property management department as posible.…[Read more]
david e-noosa replied to the topic Gazumping! in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
So you are blaming an agent for being ethical… very interesting.
David J
Licenced Agent/Sales Managerdavid e-noosa replied to the topic Favourite TV Show? in the forum Forum Frolic 21 years ago
Biography channel…… anything thats on [upsidedown]
Ok ok so I don’t watch “real” TV so sue me [tongue]
David J
Licenced Agent/Sales Managerdavid e-noosa replied to the topic Dilemma, please help!!! in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
I bought my first home at 20 years of age while most of my mates were peeing it up against the wall at the local pub, just do your DD and jump in.
David J
Licenced Agent/Sales Managerdavid e-noosa replied to the topic Dilemma, please help!!! in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
Good choice Rob, I had not read this thread until now but agree with yours and others opinions on this one.
Remember PPP
Positive cashflow is great but position is very important.
btw if I could find a 150-170 property returning that rental I would consider buying it myself [suave2]
David J
Licenced Agent/Sales…[Read more]david e-noosa replied to the topic Custom Tenant applications in QLD? in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
Has either applicant ever wilfully and intentionally refused to repay a debt or pay rent when due? YES NO
Have you ever been involved in a legal (including tenancy tribunal) dispute with a landlord or have you ever been evicted from a property? YES NO
Has either party ever caused wilful or intentional damage to a property? YES NOThese are the…[Read more]
david e-noosa replied to the topic Custom Tenant applications in QLD? in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
I could advise on what he/she has a problem with but I would need to see a copy of the Application.
100 point ID is normal these days with any professional PM so it can’t be that.
Any clues ?
David J
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