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  • Dave_4 replied to the topic Real Estate Bubble Pops?? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    I think where the cycle is in any investment deal is important, if i may quote several authors, you make your money when you buy not when you sell. Like all markets the property boom will bust (historically proven) and there will be people that will think like Hillary that they will clean up and buy out the market at any time (ie anywhere on the…[Read more]

  • Dave_4 replied to the topic Brett: lets start a WA investing team? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    [8D] Hi everyone, just a quick idea[?],
    sounds like we should get together for some beers and a general discussion on Perth property investing. Anyone interested and can think of a time or place, I will gladly come and share my views.

  • Dave_4 replied to the topic first home owners grant in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi Robert,
    I have done some research myself and my understanding is that you can live in the house for as little as 1 day on the basis you have made it your PRINCIPAL PLACE OF RESIDENCE. This is were it can get tricky because what do you call your principal place of residence. According to FHOG it is where all your bills are addressed to, your…[Read more]

  • Dave_4 replied to the topic Brett: lets start a WA investing team? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi all,
    I am also 22 in Perth just starting out and would love to be apart of this team/pool of collective people. my email is if you would care to contact me. Take care all

  • Dave_4 replied to the topic New member learning Wrap’s in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi all,
    I too am also in Perth and would like to talk with like minded people regarding wraps and property investing. Any discussions on any topic would be great.
    I went to Ricks talk about 3 weeks ago and he mentioned that the way to get around a credit license is to include the interest in the selling price. ie if you onsell to the purchaser for…[Read more]

  • Dave_4 replied to the topic Greetings in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Just like to say Hi Brett, you seem to be in a similar position as me, i.e. 22yr old, studying and in Perth. I too took a keen interest after reading Roberts books and also have been trying to get my hands on anything and everything that resembles wealth creation.
    Anyway introductions aside the risk involved in wraps = profit, u take the risk u…[Read more]

  • Dave_4 replied to the topic To buy or not to buy property in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Thanks everyone, I guess what I learnt was that the property dosn’t have to be next door it could be anywhere in the state or Australia as long as the price is low and attracts the right rent. Correct me if Im wrong, but is it immposible to have a property with capital growth and with positive cashflow or is there a trade-off between the 2?
    Thanxs…[Read more]

  • Dave_4 replied to the topic To buy or not to buy property in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Thanks for the advice, I guess you got to get in there and go for it (as long as the numbers work). My next question is and I suppose what everyone wants to know is how do you find that deal. I have been looking and there are no places in Perth that you can buy for $55k, the cheapest I have ever seen was $85k and it wasn’t going to generate a…[Read more]
