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  • dannyhattersley replied to the topic Vendor Finance Wanted. in the forum Hotch Potch 20 years, 5 months ago

    Hi guys .
    the basic reason for my question is can someone on a pension(life long) .can they get finance for a home unit/flat/house/bungalow/barn.
    somewhere to live to get of the rent cycle .
    & what is the best way for the pension guy to get into somewhere .
    is it vendor finance/balloon payment/rent to buy/bank/ausie home loans/loan shark.
    it…[Read more]

  • dannyhattersley replied to the topic balloon payment in the forum Finance 20 years, 6 months ago

    can you please tell me more about the shared ownership.

    who can ,what can , how can .

    do many people do this .

    thank you .

    D Hattersley

  • dannyhattersley replied to the topic balloon payment in the forum Finance 20 years, 6 months ago

    ok so then it would be a bad way to go for a youd need the %40 at the end in a lump sum .?

    thank you for your time .

    D Hattersley

  • dannyhattersley replied to the topic Vendor Finance Wanted. in the forum Hotch Potch 20 years, 6 months ago

    ok so basicly “no frills”=low body corp
    “all the trimmings”=high body corp.
    is there a genral guide to how much body corp to pay.or will it vary on the title of the place .


    D Hattersley

  • dannyhattersley replied to the topic Vendor Finance Wanted. in the forum Hotch Potch 20 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Chatterbox
    yes ive checked out some of the body corp prices the ones that i got were $35-52 pw .
    I dont no if that is expencive or not.
    & i dont no what body corp is ment to cover as there seems to be so many different ones .
    What would be the best body corp to go for. What would it cover .is there a limit on body corp fees.
    do you have to pay…[Read more]

  • dannyhattersley replied to the topic Vendor Finance Wanted. in the forum Hotch Potch 20 years, 6 months ago

    Thank you that has explained a lot to me .
    if the intrest rates were to rise then i guess id be buggerd .
    ill try to get a good bank balance 4 to 8 grand .
    as for public housing yes i do have my name on it but that will be another 9yrs on the gold coast .
    dont no if this makes much diff but i would be going co lending with another person basicly…[Read more]

  • dannyhattersley replied to the topic Vendor Finance Wanted. in the forum Hotch Potch 20 years, 6 months ago

    Hi thank you for the reply’s
    In awnser to Pisces thank you for some good advice.
    as I have nothing to hide i dont mind using my name .
    my current situation is this .
    im in a town house have been renting for about 2yr. previous was renting for 8yr .
    the place that im in now is being sold so i thought i should look in to buying .

    first…[Read more]


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