I see that API magazine has a deal when you sign up for a one year mag subscription. You also get Pricefinder for 3 months tossed in. How long it will last I don't know
I bought a heap of the Bunnings Lanimae at $14.95 m2 to do 2 kitchens in an IP and I cannot recommend it.
I am very handy and have renovated several houses but this stuff is crap. They don't easily lock together and once a piece is right it sometimes knocks out other previously done sections. This cheap stuff is a pain. I say spend a few more bucks and go for a better product. Hopefully not made in China like the cheap crap….. avoid it! If you see my listing for about 10m2 on eBay next week, don't buy it. I'm going out to buy the better laminate today.