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  • Most houses in Australia have Asbestos eaves and a panel in the back of the switchboard, built before 1990. Nothing to worry about unless it is damaged already. The only time you might need to remove it is to wire up a new switch board but this wont cost much to do.



    The Commonwealth Bank? Lol.

    Thanks for the replies everyone.

    Maybe best to cut the trees down and make sure the stumps are dead, and observe the cracks for a few months to a year. If the cracks stay the same then the cause was most likely the trees. If the cracks get worse then its safe to say that the reactive clay is probably not helping. Fingers crossed its just the trees….

    Thanks for the replies guys.  

    Based on the research I had done, I am not at all surprised at your answers.  I guess I was just hoping the banks might have changed the rules a bit as the markets had picked up. :)

    If it seems to good to be true, it probably is.



    I have a copy, please let me know if you are interested.



    Sounds like a fair perspective to me.

    P.S, Don't count on any major developments in Hobart sending values up – nothing happens here quickly and I highly doubt we will see the Korean development spring up anytime in the near future.

    HI Folks,

    As a Hobart Resident, i thought it might be worth me putting my 2 cents worth into this discussion.  Pretty much all of the suburbs listed in this discussion so far fall under the "Dole Bludger" type of people and situations.  Gagebrook is by far the worst suburb in Hobart and Clarendon Vale isn't a lot better, if at all.  Rokeby would come in third place and Bridgerwater/Herdsmans Cove fourth.  Glenorchy, Claremont, Berridale, Warrane and Rosetta are all at the next best level.  All suburbs listed regularly feature in the local news for various crimes, mostly arson or shootings.  

    Having said all of that, I am personally looking to build in any of these suburbs at the right price and most importantly – in the right street.  There are good and bad areas in all of these suburbs, rather than individual suburbs being particularly better or worse than one another..  And generally they all attract the same rental returns, suburb to suburb comparison wise.

    You might find it easier to locate good properties by using the following website to navigate for Tasmanian property which avoids Housing Tasmania stock:

    Note that the properties in yellow on the Authority Land overlay (under the layers tab – I have already set this up for you) are usually always Housing Tasmania freehold titled houses (or were haha).  You can also zoom in and click on individual properties which will bring up a tab to show the correct address and sometimes mentions if it is a Housing Property.

    Hopefully this helps.


    Has anyone else got a copy of the study DVD's they are wanting to sell?

    Nice area Rose, I dont live there myself but I am from Tassie and would buy there myself if I found the right property.  Its the main port for the spirit of Tasmania and is roughly in between the west coast mining towns and Launceston.

    ^^ As above, it said the ticket number on the email with all the directions on how to get there etc – HOWEVER- they have modified that page now and the ticket number and confirmation part have been deleted.  I hope they just use your ID similar to an airport?

    I was about to ask the same thing for Hobart too!  I have been using H&R block for a few years but you don't get the friendly smile and the good advice with them – they are simply to slap together a tax return…

    Hahaha, the 2 things to bear in mind when you come to tasmania:

    A: Don't judge it by Queenstown, if you do your research – the place is as beautiful as any other Australian state.  Queenstown is a mining town – simple and rundown.

    B: Don't judge the weather – four seasons in one day!  And don't forget we have had the wettest year in (don't quote me) 50 years if I recall, so naturally it will be dreary on a wet day in a rundown town ha.

    I'd personally avoid buying more than 1 house in Queenstown, just take a look on – over 3 pages of houses for rent and no one to rent them ;)

    lol, good to see a bit of harmless humour :)

    Hey Reeco,

    How are you travelling with the course?  Its October now and hopefully you have some info to report back to us!???

    Cheers Dan.

    $120k is cheap, even for shitty old gagebrook :)

    It is a slum area but it has a new shopping centre and soon to be school (that got burnt down too ha….) and some of the kids are growing up nowdays, only time will tell.

    Thats basically a "how long is a peice of string" question haha…

    The best thing you can do is call up your local builders assositation and get a few names of asbestos removal firms and a few roof plumbers.  Then just grab a few quotes and go from there.  Dont always go for the cheapest nor the most expensive places either.


    Hey Kane,

    I live in the next suburb accross, Howrah.  Go grab yourself a map of the local area and I'll give you a rundown of what each suburb is like.

    Rokeby is aprox 20mins from town(nothing to complain about by local standards) with mainly blue collar workers.  If you have a 3 teir system of low, middle and upper class the following would be an rough idea of what to expect:

    Rokeby:  This would be the upper side of the lower class suburbs.  Most people behave but this suburb suffers from the usual burnouts from the local hoons etc.  Most people are friendly and there is a school and buses easily accessable.  Some houses are overpriced atm at 200k+, Id personally not pay more than 190-200k here.

    Clarendon Vale( about 1.5kms away on the lower side of Rokeby) This is considered a lower class suburb with all the usual trouble you get in a lower class area.  These properties are going for 150-200k, you get what you pay for here however.

    Lauderdale, Seven Mile beach etc are all further down again.  These are stable middle class areas however there are some very expensive houses(mostly on large parcles of land or near beaches).  Prices vary a lot here.

    Howrah is on the upper side of Rokeby Hill and is considered to be a middle to upper middle class suburb, with the odd upper class street.  The views here are generally sensational as is the near by Tranmere, Bellerive and Rosny areas, all running along the Derwent river.  Prices here vary from 290-700k+, take your pick haha.
    Off to the other side of Rokeby is Glebe Hill estate.  This is a brand new area and is listed as Howrah(although its sort of seperate haha) with mostly good quality solid middle class people about.  Houses here vary between 300-500k.

    Basically hobart is a bit odd because there is generally all good suburbs with a bogan suburb jambed smack bang in the middle(Clarendon Vale lol…) Its not always a bad thing though as money will be made here over the next 15 years.  A suburb called Warrane used to be the same as Clarendon Vale but now it is quite a good place to live as the other suburbs popped up around it causing the bogans to sell up for a bit of cash and move to the outer areas like Gagebrook, Bridgewater etc. 

    Dan :)

    In a 1940's house, asbestos "should" be minimal, but dont let that comment get your hopes up!  You will find asbestos in various forms, but mainly in sheet form in a house.  Common areas to find it include:

    – under lino
    – behind any wet area surfaces(ie: behind tiles)
    – under the external eaves (mind you in a house that old – it probably has timber eaves

    In other forms it is commonly found in lino, floor tiles, insulation over hot water pipes, etc etc!

    I wouldn't expect to find it in the walls of a house unless it was renovated (sounds like it has been renovated from what you said above) as most houses built in 1940 would generally have brick internal walls or even timber stud with lath and plaster on top.

    Personally if I was in doubt – Id just pay a few dollars to get it looked at by a pro.  Asbestosis is a silent killer and its no point making lots of money in property if your life is cut short.  On that note, you should wear a dust mask at all times anyhow because all dusts are bad for you!  Asbestos is just the one they managed to prove was bad for you! :)

    As for the floor, unless you really know what your doing then id probably be taking a builder with you to give you a quote, bearing in mind it probably wont be cheap as they will be wanting to cover themselves incase its worse than first thought.

    Hope this helps :)


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