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  • dallen_14 replied to the topic Advertising Billboards As An Investment in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago

    Yer you are right. I did some research into billboards and it turns out it is just like the Newspapers as far as catering for national advertisers, where you are a player, or you are not. So with finding that out I decided against it as the threat of vacancy is too high. (I am not a big fan of solely relying on the locals).

    But yer thats one…[Read more]

  • dallen_14 replied to the topic Is property the real answer? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago

    I myself have been getting frustrated in not been able to figure out a way to make money on Real Estate. I have one friend though who is an options trader, and he has actually done quite well out of the Crisis. (1st with his Put options a contract giving the right to sell at a certain price, so after the crash he can buy the stock for dirt cheap…[Read more]

  • dallen_14 replied to the topic Is Rudd doing the right thing? in the forum Opinionated! 16 years ago

    I am in the age bracket where alot of my mates will be getting this $900 hand out. And I have observed that most of them are using it to buy stuff that is made in China, while others are putting it towards their overseas holidays….. I think you get my point.

    But don’t get me wrong, I am very excited about getting $900, but I know we will be…[Read more]

  • dallen_14 replied to the topic All my warning posts got deleted ? in the forum I just have a quick question 16 years ago

    I just have a quick question for Scamp.

    If you were so certain things were going to crash as they did, and if as you say they are going to crash some more, I would like to know if you have / had any Put options or gone short on our currency, the price of oil, or even an ASX listed property group. (A Put option or selling short enables you to…[Read more]

  • dallen_14 replied to the topic Advertising Billboards As An Investment in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago

    Hi Josh thanks for that Post.

    After looking into it for a bit and weighing the pros and cons I will probably be holding of from it for now. If I owned property near a major road I would go ahead as it would be bonus income, but the threat of vacancy is too high for my liking for it to be a sole source of paying back a debt. And with no…[Read more]

  • dallen_14 replied to the topic Advertising Billboards As An Investment in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago

    This is great guys. I just made a few phone calls and it looks like APN has taken over Cody and according to the sales rep there, they only find customers for the billboards they actually own. (I was hoping it might be similar to the way you can use a real estate agency to find tenants for an investment house). But hey there might be a an new…[Read more]

  • dallen_14 replied to the topic Advertising Billboards As An Investment in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago

    Haha, Cheers Keiko, I was blown away with that. That was the 1st time I ever wrote anything on this forum and that was my 1st ever reply. So yer I was a bit worried that my brain was the size of a pea for a day. But as some say, size doesn’t matter, its how you use it. (my brain that is)

    Also Cheers Mike 888
    Telco towers, ha I never even…[Read more]

  • dallen_14 replied to the topic Advertising Billboards As An Investment in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago

    hahaha whoaa…. Holy cow, take a chill pill Scamp, just asking a question, why you Mr Kranky pants!! I never claimed to be an expert…. PS I do have a job, its in Newspaper Advertising. Anyway back to business

    Does anyone have experience with advertising billboards that will be able to give me some advice on starting out.
    Are there…[Read more]

  • dallen_14 replied to the topic Dodgy pyrimid scheme, Network 21 in the forum General Property 16 years ago

    I have 2 friends who slaved away with an open mind about it, and they both threw in the towel after a couple of years.

    However I did attend some seminars and I did feel I learnt alot by watching what they do, instead of listening to what they tell us to do. They are shining examples about how to do sales, work ethic and keeping a team…[Read more]

  • dallen_14 started the topic Advertising Billboards As An Investment in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago

    I was recently at the Steve McKnight Seminar in Brisbane and he used an example of an advertising billboard as a cashflow investment. This sounds appealing as it appears to have a small start up cost when compared to other property deals. ($30,000 for the sign to be made and placed, plus land, taxes and fees).
    Just some quick questions…[Read more]

  • dallen_14 started the topic Advertising Billboards As An Investment in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago

    I was recently at the Steve Mcknight Seminar in Brisbane and he used an example of an advertising billboard as a cashflow investment. This sounds appealing as it appears to have a small start up cost when compared to other property deals. ($30,000 for the sign to be made and placed, plus land, taxes and fees).
    Just some quick questions…[Read more]
