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  • Dabear1950 replied to the topic Thanks Steve!!! in the forum Opinionated! 12 years, 4 months ago

    I believe the Tiers are 10K, 50K, 100K. To all of you who are looking at your super statements and wondering how you are going to take advantage of this opportunity you would need to set up your own SMSF. This is possible for everyone to do but more financially viable for anyone who has more than 100K in their super account. I set mine up 4 months…[Read more]

  • Dabear1950 replied to the topic What do you think of this deal? in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 4 months ago

    I would suggest this is a pure time share opportunity. Every where you go in BALI they are flouting these schemes. I think all the advice here is Solid. Stay away from

  • All I can say is that having Funds sitting in an Interest Bearing account with inflation makes no financial sense.

    How then to attain an income stream? Shares? Equities… all frought with risk, all we have to do is ensure that your investment portfolio is reasonably balanced. The "No pain (risk) no gain" is real!

    I believe that…[Read more]

  • Dabear1950 replied to the topic What do people think of Steve’s the US Passive Income Fund? in the forum Opinionated! 12 years, 4 months ago

    All I can say is that having Funds sitting in an Interest Bearing account with inflation makes no financial sense.

    How then to attain an income stream? Shares? Equities… all frought with risk, all we have to do is ensure that your investment portfolio is reasonably balanced. The "No pain (risk) no gain" is real!

    I believe that…[Read more]


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