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  • Profile photo of CurleyCatCurleyCat
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 2

    Hi Peter

    great to hear from you with your thoughts on Mastermind. I have just signed up for the next one in August. My trip was well worth it both for making contacts and also networking with other like minded investors. Also seeing the houses both before and after rehab, we learnt a lot but I have the same view as you regarding learning on the ground. Takes a long time to apply what you learn from others on your own at home. I was glad to hear you thought it to be a much more efficient way to build a portfolio in the US, that was how I also thought about it. Hear that Cheryl has been having success also. Just setting up my LLC now and set up my bank when I was there. So the ball is rolling. Did you end up using Frank? Exciting.

    Profile photo of CurleyCatCurleyCat
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 2
    petejac1 wrote:
    I leave in 2 days to attend the Mastermind in May.  I would highly recommend having as much done way ahead of attending.  The timetable looks very tight so you need all your spare time organising deals and researching rather then setting up details.  The first part is getting your ITIN as it takes the longest. Unfortunately mine took 7 months to organise, the IRS can be very picky on details.

    Hi Pete, I think we met in Fort Myers, I went with Cheryl to the see Frank the Realtor. Heard the Mastermind was full on, how did you go? What did you think of the 6 days? I want to do the next course in August and interested to get some feed back.


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