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  • cubster_2 started the topic My builder gutted our house!!!! in the forum Help Needed! 5 years, 7 months ago

    Hi All,
    Just thought I’d share this recent experience with the forum. A bit about me, I’m a mechanical engineer working in the construction industry dealing with builders and contractors every day, so I thought I had a good understanding of the industry and had all my bases covered. But it might appear that he’s a wolf in sheep clothing.

    I am…[Read more]

  • cubster_2 started the topic My builder gutted our house!!!! in the forum Help Needed! 5 years, 7 months ago

    Hi All,
    Just thought I’d share this recent experience with the forum. A bit about me, I’m a mechanical engineer working in the construction industry dealing with builders and contractors every day, so I thought I had a good understanding of the industry and had all my bases covered. But it might appear that he’s a wolf in sheep clothing.

    I am…[Read more]

  • cubster_2 started the topic House Relocation to new Site in the forum General Property 7 years, 3 months ago

    Dear Property Investors,
    I currently own a house. I am in the process of getting my construction documents ready to build a duplex in its place. Rather than demolish the house, I would like to salvage the structure and relocate it to another site. To do this, I need to obtain planning permission at the new site. I am looking for someone on this…[Read more]

  • cubster_2 replied to the topic Investment dilemma in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 12 months ago

    Shahin & Richard,

    Regarding IO repayments, doesn't a lender expect that the principal would be paid off within a certain term? We cannot pay IO for the duration of our lives, or can we?

    What happens if after 10 years of paying IO that the property drops into negative equity and one runs out of time to pay off the loan? What happens then?

    Also,…[Read more]

  • cubster_2 replied to the topic Financing Methods in the forum Finance 11 years, 2 months ago

    Thanks for the feedback guys. I thought as much, but it had be thrown out there. I'll just have to start small and work up from there. I will however, be looking to buy an investment and principle residence next year.

    Richard, did you get my email a few months ago when we first connected on this site? About catching a coffee if you get down to…[Read more]

  • cubster_2 replied to the topic A free property mentor in the forum Help Needed! 11 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Richard,

    Thanks for the welcome. It would be great to catch up with you for a coffee next time you're in Sydney. I've picked up a few basic things on property investing through free seminars and online research. Pitfalls, risks, insurance issues, asset protection structures, liability issues, depreciation and more. My next step is to determine…[Read more]

  • cubster_2 replied to the topic A free property mentor in the forum Help Needed! 11 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Catalyst,

    To start with, I want to get a property that can look after itself after all costs have been taken into consideration. CF+ and cap growth would be a positive too. Then leverage that property to get the next one and so on. Once I have sufficient cashflow to free up my time, I will start focusing on reno's and then developments.

    All…[Read more]

  • cubster_2 replied to the topic A free property mentor in the forum Help Needed! 11 years, 6 months ago

    Afternoon All,

    I can see that this thread is old, but hopefully this will still get peoples attention.

    I am new to this website. I am in a similar position to Belinda. A bit of history on my background. I'm Irish and have been living in Sydney for the last five years, now a permanent resident. I currently live in Newtown. I bought a PPOR in 2007…[Read more]


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