Total Members: 159,728


  • ctaing replied to the topic Members gone underground ?? in the forum General Property 18 years ago

    Hi everyoneJust happen to take a break to see what's up at  I'm probably the most unlikely person to login and comment, this is an exception.  The new format has made browsing for followup topics difficult ;and so most ,I dare say, gave up.I think this actually lead to some making use of their time doing rather than watching this…[Read more]

  • ctaing replied to the topic Dandenong – Nightmare or Pleasant Dream? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    The Media love hype and investors should do their sums; Dandy is doing fine overall.


  • ctaing replied to the topic Property bust not here yet … worse to come in the forum General Property 18 years ago

    Take today’s share market for example; ouch, it hurts. I finally got rid of TLS shares.. Enjoyed the little ride while it lasted. Astute investors are cashed up took opportunity of the days? weeks? of corrections. Smart move it seems. But according to the analysts there are more corrections before mid year. Another option is to dripfeed into…[Read more]

  • ctaing replied to the topic HAVE BOOM TIMES GONE FOREVER???? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Hi Kum Yin

    I appreciate your take, coming from an old hand, on the situation at hand.

    From my lack of experience, you seem to be unemotional about the current housing woe facing some of us. One necessary skill I have yet to master. I guess taking ownership to make the first step, and learning from doing, make anyone with the desire a stronger…[Read more]

  • ctaing replied to the topic HAVE BOOM TIMES GONE FOREVER???? in the forum No Subject 18 years ago

    Hi Foundation

    Must return here sometime as I thought we’ve lost you for good. Your take on Mr M’s comments is provocative because you scratch beyond the surface to find the truth… sometimes it’s a hard pill to swallow.

    Thanks for the follow up here on the thread. I do agree Mr M need to better qualify his comments as people like me may…[Read more]

  • ctaing replied to the topic HAVE BOOM TIMES GONE FOREVER???? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Hi all

    Just quoting Michael McNamara from latest Home Price Guide regading Melbourne properties in general:

    … Whilst any growth in new housing remains stunted, there will be growing pressure on rental markets. Strong migration patterns have brought over 100,000 new migrants per annum to Australia in 9 out of the last 10 years. Simply, new…[Read more]

  • ctaing replied to the topic WHAT DO YOU THINK? in the forum No Subject 18 years ago

    Great yarn, Rhys.

    Congratulations on getting the message across here for an open discussion. I am still a newby threading property investing gingerly. I’m a fan of Noel Whittaker, Dale Gillham, Alan Kohler but not so sure about Paul Clitheroe. I suspect they probably own properties as part of their portfolio amongst other assets … to create…[Read more]

  • ctaing replied to the topic Trust Magic?? in the forum General Property 18 years ago

    Thanks for the tip off, I sometimes wonder why the need for Chan and Naylor to mass feeding info to the general public… a bit like soliciting for service.


  • ctaing replied to the topic HAVE BOOM TIMES GONE FOREVER???? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Hi James62, I’d love to be in your position to have done so well, albeit this is a trying time.

    You have the wisdom to ask and those before me have given you their honest opinions. I do believe now property investing is for the long haul, sell only as a last resort. Revisit your goal and affirm your plan to wipe out negative noices around.

    For…[Read more]

  • ctaing replied to the topic Shares vs. Property in the forum Legal & Accounting 18 years ago

    Hi dare_to_dream

    I’ve asked myself this very question – shares vs property, about a year ago. Thanks to books and forum contributors, I now know better they are different asset classes worthy in anyone’s portfolio.

    This is strictly because of their different characteristics and often complement one another in any business cycle. I don’t hear…[Read more]

  • ctaing replied to the topic Difference from shelf trusts??? in the forum Legal & Accounting 18 years ago

    Hi DaveA, couldn’t agree with you more on the issue of getting trust advice from accountants.

    Seen my accountant but have sceduled to see another. This one walks the talk. The practical bit that no uni can prepare undergraduates with. I guess that the difference.

    Wish me luck the accountant doesn’t cash in on his ‘expertise’. [hmm]


  • ctaing replied to the topic Malaysia in the forum Overseas Deals 18 years ago

    Great observations Simon, I’ve lived there half my life time and would not invest in Malaysia as there are plenty of opportunities here now that I’m a permanent resident.

    [They don’t have PMs as such. A PM will find a tenant for you but ongoing rent collection is your responsibility.

    The situations are changing on PM; there are…[Read more]

  • ctaing replied to the topic ONE BEDROOM UNITS? THOUGHTS in the forum No Subject 18 years ago

    Thanks for a great thread, mcubed.

    Most replies you’ve got here are precise and hit the nail on the head. The legitimate question arises when we face with 2 or 3 bedroom in the outer suburbs or a one bedder in the inner suburbs for around same price. This is even more pertinent when one is trying to get a foothold into the property…[Read more]

  • ctaing replied to the topic Shares vs. Property in the forum Legal & Accounting 18 years ago

    Hi Paul

    I’m not an expert in shares but a self paced student. If you are serious about shares investing (although your endeavour sounded more like speculating to me), I’d recommend doing free online courses with the ASX, you’ll have the answers ….. and more. [wink2]


  • ctaing replied to the topic North Facing Property in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    ShOw_Me_ThE_MoNeY, not sure if you have sorted out your dilemma on the issue of aspect of a property yet.

    I’d recommend a good reference book – Warm House Cool House by Nick Hollo (Choice Books) is available at most good libraries. It’s a basic guide to Australian designs for low energy housing for comfort year round. It contains clever designs…[Read more]

  • ctaing replied to the topic Malaysia in the forum Overseas Deals 18 years ago

    Hi Suzieq

    I’m wondering if you’re aware Malaysia has a two-tier market when it comes to purchasing properties generally (and other social issues I won’t go into here). So it’s highly probable you pay market price to get in if you’re not a Malay by descendent, while the generous concession is allowed to the others.

    Also, there is no Small…[Read more]

  • ctaing replied to the topic Home loan structures in the forum Finance 18 years ago

    Much obliged, Terry, for your answer. Somehow, I’m slow to compute.[blush2]


  • ctaing replied to the topic Home loan structures in the forum Finance 18 years ago

    Qlds007 wrote:

    The normal structure we establish for our clients depending on the circumstances is:

    1) Interest only home loan linked to a 100% offset account.
    2) LOC against the PPOR to 80% LVR to be access solely for investment purposes i.e deposits and acquisition costs.
    3) Interest only loan – stand alone against the security of the IP.
    held…[Read more]

  • ctaing replied to the topic Has anyone came back after losing everything in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Dr Spock

    Just came across a great comprehensive website Understanding Money.

    It has a useful budget planner, a financial calculator, and suggestions and links to help manage money better at any stage in our life cycle.

    It is unbiased and educational. For me, it’s time to set things in…[Read more]

  • ctaing replied to the topic Trust Fund in the forum Legal & Accounting 18 years ago

    Thanks Terry for the privilege to learn from your input.

    With the added flexibility in HDT, as mentioned in your reply, it’s definitely well worth the initial outlay of legal and finance setup fees.

    I must admit I have difficulty coming to grips with HDT and is cautious venturing down this path. My fear of failure is so great it can stop me…[Read more]

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