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  • crusty replied to the topic Fincial Adviser needed in Melbourne in the forum Fincial Adviser needed in Melbourne 13 years, 6 months ago

    crusty wrote:
    Jason Bibby @ JB Global, 6 Riverside Quay South Bank.   He has a performance based fee. He can provivde high leveraging (100% LVR)  low interest rates and capital protection.

             Ph. No 0396829499

  • crusty replied to the topic Fincial Adviser needed in Melbourne in the forum Jason Bibby @ JB Global, 6 13 years, 6 months ago

    Jason Bibby @ JB Global, 6 Riverside Quay South Bank.   He has a performance based fee. He can provivde high leveraging (100% LVR)  low interest rates and capital protection.

  •  HI Angel, I dont agree with your analyis The  reason fot the increase in houses on the market is demand, more house have been put on the market  because of increasing prices over  the last 12 months after 2 years of stagnation.  Median prices have risen  6% in the last quarter. A vacancy rate of 1.4% doesnt indicate people are not baling out. …[Read more]

  • crusty replied to the topic Unhelpful Real Estate agents in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 7 months ago

     I went to an open in an area I wanted to buy the agent never mentioned the house around the  corner they had listed  , so I went and  knocked on the door   the vendors wondered why they never had any inquiry  for the many weeks it had been listed and where staggered when I told them of the atitude of their RE .  They were desperate to sell as…[Read more]

  • crusty replied to the topic Which banks / instituions give finance in the forum Finance 13 years, 8 months ago

    westpac seem keen to lend money at the moment 0.9 discount. will lend 85% without LMI

  •  Land available for residential development like 30 years worth.  No scarcity value. Plenty of builders, competition means low buiding costs, means it is better to build your own house than buy one.  Shortage of workers retarding buisness  and economic  growth.   Local council may allow residential homes on small rural zoned blocks.  Despite…[Read more]

  •   Borrow from who?  Zaul

  • crusty replied to the topic I want to retire in 6 Years, Going to make it happen ;) in the forum  Here is a hint   Zaul, 13 years, 8 months ago

     Here is a hint   Zaul, to invest you need capital and cashflow.  Did you think about starting a buisiness there are opportunities every -where. I come across them almost every week   As you  have connections in Canada and australia I will tell you about one that involves these countries.   You should be able to buy grain augers in canada for abou…[Read more]

  • crusty replied to the topic I want to retire in 6 Years, Going to make it happen ;) in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 8 months ago

      Ryan  I think it is bizzare, that you think it is bizzare for a 24 year old to be saving  or investing.   I  have known lots of kids  probably most,  saving money even at or before primary school.   A lot of 24 yr old are buying houses running buisness.  I know   some people who were millionares at 24.    I cant see  what age has got to do wi…[Read more]

  • crusty replied to the topic AUS vs USA in the forum Fantastic Plastic wrote:Very 13 years, 8 months ago

    Fantastic Plastic wrote:
    Very interesting topic Cappy, I've recently been looking at buying a couple of properties in America, not sure exactly where to look, but it certainly makes more sense than investing in Australia. I see what you are trying to do, but you can't leave out some of the expenses. For example you have NO tax in Florida whereas…[Read more]

  • crusty replied to the topic Syracuse, NY in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years, 8 months ago

     Hi HighIncome those returns are gross.       Thanks.

  • crusty replied to the topic I want to retire in 6 Years, Going to make it happen ;) in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 8 months ago

     I would consider  being shop assistent for the same pay as the old age pension, flipping houses in the hope of making 10k,  needing a mentor and then wanting to retire in  6 years as a  great lack of  ambition and vision.  Since when  has looking a head only 6 years been great vision?     Then wasting the next 60 years great ambition ?

  • crusty replied to the topic Syracuse, NY in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years, 8 months ago

    Hi     High Income                  Just wondering if you or anybody else had an opinion on investing in a duplex in Groton, Conecticuit    Spending about 80K, returns about 1.5k a month, vested interests have said it should gain about 30K in 3 years.   The reason for investing there is because it is one  of the few places in the US where I co…[Read more]

  • crusty replied to the topic How to start with 50k? in the forum  I would be buying shares 13 years, 8 months ago

     I would be buying shares at least buy 10 or 20k, consider using put options which is like giving away 10% of your profits to insure against fall in price. There can be  large oportunity costs holding savings. If you want to invest in property you will need a buffer, shares  are a good buffer.  While there are exceptions and bargains do pop up ,…[Read more]

  • crusty replied to the topic Australian FHBs go on strike! in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 8 months ago

    T Kline  Yes it is a load of crock You can buy houses in australia for under  i50k even under 50k, they are cheaper and better buying than some df the houses  people are buying overseas in the places you mention   and with trhe FHB you can buy houses cheaper than you can oversereas   Yes you can buy houses for less than one years average wage  …[Read more]

  • crusty replied to the topic Rental returns in USA in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years, 9 months ago

    ALF1 wrote:
    Hi Judi.Let us not forget the reality of what has transpired in the US economy – the single greatest balloon burst since the Great Depression. The US economy is going to do what it has always done after every great economic depression and recession it has had- they will drag the economy from bear to bull again and the value of their…[Read more]

  • crusty replied to the topic lease renewal fee’s ??? in the forum General Property 13 years, 9 months ago

    None of my PMs charge a lease renewal fee for exsisting tenants, and if they tried to I would be getting a new PM.

  •     I would think vendor financing would be an obvious way to go,with terms that allow your parents to keep the part  pension. It may be an interest free loan  with X amount paid  periodically for X amount of years, or interest only loan which maybe better for tax purposes. It may be possible for your parents to pay rent to your brother and recei…[Read more]

  • crusty replied to the topic So what rate interest rate are you getting in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 10 months ago

      ANZ  lending criteria is ridiculous, I would question the competency of any broker who would recomend them. They would sooner lend money to some-one who relies on keeping some low paid crappy job who is struggling to pay their living expenses, and no assets , then some-one who s income is 8X the average wage,but has no job even when they hold ti…[Read more]

  • crusty replied to the topic So what rate interest rate are you getting in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 10 months ago

    god_of_money wrote:
    ANZ Breakfree Package = 6.94%

    ANZ might have low rates, but can be very costly as they are  the hardest bank to get new finance from if you want to snap up those bargains. Saving a few measly dollars in interest can cost you  hunreds of thousands in lost  opportunities You need a bank you can ring up and say I need  X dol…[Read more]

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