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  • crusaider replied to the topic Yardney Thurs Night…!!! in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    I have been on this presentation (I think) in Melbourne couple of weeks ago. For me it was a good current market overview, a backet of motivation and plenty of tapes/books to buy like on any other seminar of this type. Personally, did not get much out of it.

  • crusaider replied to the topic What is cross collaralised ?? in the forum No Subject 18 years ago

    Thank you Richard and Terry for couching.

    I did not need LOC as I was ahead of paying my home loan. I followed one of the basic rules to eliminate the non tax deductable loan first. When I finally paid it off, I have asked for LOC on one of my IP loans as I did not want to wait until I save enough for a deposit. The plan is to use LOC only as a…[Read more]

  • crusaider replied to the topic What is cross collaralised ?? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Thanks Terry,
    I have acctually set up LOC on my last IP when I payed off my home loan with purpose to use it as a deposit for the next IP. So, if I go to the bank for the next loan they should let me buy it without x-ing it with other IP properties. Is that right?

    I will start undoing all the collateral bundle and try to free the IPs up.
    I guess…[Read more]

  • crusaider replied to the topic Purchasing an investment property in the forum No Subject 18 years ago

    If I read it correctly the unit holder would be the high income member of the trust and he/she could distribute some or all income to the lower income earner to minimise the income tax and maximise negative gearing. ?

  • crusaider replied to the topic Frankston anyone? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Hi sanjivgupta,
    The house is 51 years old, I have just increased the rent from $190 to $200 per week. I have not renovated it yet. I still have there the first tenant so I keep them until they decide to move on. I think I can get another $10-20 per week with a simple painting and cleaning up job.

    Looks like subdivisions are in fashion close by…[Read more]

  • crusaider replied to the topic What is cross collaralised ?? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Thanks Terry,
    What the LOC stands for if you don’t mind asking?. My LVR is more than 80%.

  • crusaider replied to the topic What is cross collaralised ?? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    I must have missed the lesson about crosscorateral. I have my own house (just recently paid off ) X -ed with my 3 IP. How do you go about undoing this mess with no blood spilt. !!!!!!

  • crusaider replied to the topic Frankston anyone? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    I bought a property in Central Frankston for $220K in Sep 2004. It has not appreciated much yet but I am waiting for the next cycle to do the job. I think Central offers a good value considering location. My lesson from this old property is – get the property inspected by Archicentre or Builder before you sign the contract. The inspection found…[Read more]
