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  • crouchingtiger replied to the topic Positive Cash Flow Properties in the forum Creative Investing 18 years ago

    It takes time, it is not a get rich quick scheme, we need patience with investment properties. Let them grow in equity and you can then draw down from them, via a line of credit. The debt you have is then good debt as the property you have should grow in capital if you have bought in the right locations.A lot of people retire after buying loads o…[Read more]

  • crouchingtiger replied to the topic Is property the only way to financial freedom ? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Hi there,

    I always believe that we are better off going for multiple sources of income. The more we diversify the better and avoid putting everything into one basket. Not just in shares, unit trusts, managed funds, investment properties but also in commercial properties, cash deposits, bonds or even setting up an ebay store to get some income…[Read more]
