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  • crispy replied to the topic $300k + (How much is “+” usually) in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 10 months ago

    common trick to squeeeeeeze every penny out of you if its private sale most likely 10% auction could be differant from personal experiance, went to auction about 12mnths ago house was advertised for 500k+ sold for 670K but hey does not mean you cant offer 290K regards crispy[biggrin]

  • crispy replied to the topic Dandenong – Nightmare or Pleasant Dream? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 10 months ago

    sorry didnt read your last post YOU MUST OF LOOKED IN YOUR MELWAY and gone for a walk through the new frankston shopping centre. CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR FRANKSTON PURCHASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and stay away from GANG denong regards CRISPY[thumbsupanim]

  • crispy replied to the topic Dandenong – Nightmare or Pleasant Dream? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 10 months ago

    Hi NP
    To add my two cents, personally i INVEST IN FRANKSTON and in response to LA AUSSIE in your earlier responses WELL, 3 out 5 ip i have are actually in FRANKSTON NORTH (THE PINES)and i live locally and no the area is NOT a crime central or a drug and welfare haven as described by LA AUSSIE (well maby 15 years ago might have been) mater of fact…[Read more]

  • crispy replied to the topic Buying properties with othere people? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 10 months ago

    hi wriggles

    I’ll keep it short, hope this helps to make your mind up?
    i invest in property (or do buisness with) 2 people
    1/ My wife because i sleep with her.
    2/ the bank because its very clinical.

    good luck from crispy.[sleepyanim]

  • crispy replied to the topic Friends as Tenants?? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 10 months ago

    MATE nothing wrong with renting to friends, 2 out of 4 IP i have are rented to friend of mine, never have any problems with rent as they work with me,save money on agent fees no problems with access to property just make sure u lay YOUR CARDS ON TABLE FROM DAY ONE fill in appropriate paper work get bond, and in regards to INSPECTIONS just pop in…[Read more]

  • crispy replied to the topic How to find a target town/suburb to invest in. in the forum No Subject 17 years, 11 months ago

    hi adrian078
    why dont you start looking around your own saburb/town sometimes thats the easiest way as u know how much property sales for, rents etc…[biggrin] thats how i started a few years ago, matter of fact still am, [biggrin] good luck

  • crispy replied to the topic FRANKSTON NORTH SUBDIVISION in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Tony
    personally i thik u doing the right thing by looking in Frankston as its propably the only area which is underratted by many especially Frankston north which is still part of Bayside and has so much to offer just open your melway. Frankston infestructure is changing they spending a lot of money on the area parks, schools, transport,…[Read more]


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