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  • Profile photo of criscris
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 6



    CRAA is your credit reference file (i forget what the letters stand for).

    You should get a copy of your own file just to see what’s on it. This is what the banks check, every time you apply for credit there will be a record. And any default etc will be listed.

    see , You can get a copy for free.

    [email protected]

    hi went to the web site and they are charging $20 for a credit file maybe i’m looking in the wrong place.[?]

    Profile photo of criscris
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 6

    Dear Getting there!
    look i just returned and got back my $300 . i had purchased the success from scratch kit
    it comes with 3 cd’s which are just a recorded version of the 300 page manual/programe
    1/3 of the manual is dedicated to motivation and how to set goals etc etc then it has two books “7 steps to wealth”it is a general outlook on ivestment property you can buy it for about $25 or borrow it the 2nd book “we are heroes” are stories about doing good and about life i’m not sure if it has anything to do with property light reading. i didn’t read it. the rest of the manual has relevant information towards IP’S but but i got the same info from two books from the library so for $300 i found the kit was not worth it [xx(] you can learn alot from this forum and from books you can buy or borrow . the author leans alot towards property in brisbane and perth and negative gearing which is not bad .i found the same info in books and on the internet for free. you can buy alot of books with $300 and have some left over.[8D]
    i read “rich dad poor dad ” then the the “cash flow quadrant” by robert t. kiyosaki they will certanly get your mind and motivation going
    and then A BOOK BY JAN SOMERS titled
    “more wealth from resedential property” very good i strongly recommend it, it will give u a good insite into creating wealth through investment property over time. it has all the info to get one going to ask the questions.and it is relevant to australia not the USA.
    as i said i retured my kit not what i expected they have a 30day trial period so if you are still curious you wont lose anything since you can return it. hope i could help. there was a list of other books posted in the is forum i’ll try and find it or perhaps someone else could give you some book titles and or the list i have mentioned the web site has some good info if your just starting out like me.
    cheers happy reading cris [;)]

    Profile photo of criscris
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 6

    thanks again APIM FOR THE E-MAIL

    Profile photo of criscris
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 6

    hi as a curiosity do the tax laws in NZ reflect the tax laws in australia eg. Negative gearing and tax deductions?

    Profile photo of criscris
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 6


    Hi Cris,

    How much do you owe on your property?
    What is your income roughly? and how will you finance an investment property?

    This will help me answer your question.


    Australian Property Software

    Coming very very soon…

    APIM Thanks for offering to help!
    property is SYDNEY
    I owe $260k on my existing home.
    paid $308k 2years ago currently approx value just going on recent sales $500-$550k need to confirm this. i earn approx $80000 gross . monthly repayments approx $1800
    The reason for my interest in IP is the initall benefit it could have to help me reduce this home existing loan although not huge it eats in to my pay packet weekly i’m the sole income earner and wait for it 4 little ones (kids) so my angle on all of this is to educate myself and start at the begining and hopefully start my path on to securing a financial future for the family through property thanks once again

    Profile photo of criscris
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 6


    Something else to bear in mind is the packages offered by banks for home loan and investment loan combinations. Reduced interest rates and fees are offered for combinations over $250K (CBA) All banks are offering them in some form or another…..may be of some help as well.

    thankyou i will pursue this further![:)]

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