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  • CrazyCat replied to the topic NZ suburbs in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 3 months ago


    It’s so great to have so many knowledgable heads all together in one place! I’m hooked! I’m so intregued, I can’t even hear my kids moaning and fighting with eachother! It’s so therapeutic![^]

    I’m heading back to NZ in November after 2yrs in the UK. I know I want to start up my portfolio of IP’s in NZ but where???? My Dad has 10 acres and…[Read more]

  • CrazyCat replied to the topic kids & property investing in the forum No Subject 21 years, 3 months ago

    Just my wee input to this topic coming up….

    Well, I am a 26yr old mother of a 7 and a 5 yr old. Two yrs ago I had a 5-10yr plan to get out of debt and save a deposit for a house! Just after I made that plan ( and not according to plan) I cashed in my shares and bought us tickets to the UK….I came first, then my partner and kids came 3mnths…[Read more]

  • CrazyCat replied to the topic IP’s in Wellington, NZ in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 3 months ago

    Hi MiniMogul,

    I’ve lived most my life in the Eastern/Southern Suburbs. Lived in a 2 bd flat in Lyall Bay for a couple of years….I would’ve loved to have bought there, and had a sneaky suspision it was going to take off, but I thought with my two years away, I may have missed the boat? Now they have just had permission granted for the artificial…[Read more]

  • CrazyCat replied to the topic IP’s in Wellington, NZ in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 3 months ago

    Thanks for your comments and suggestions, i’ll be checking out those websites right away, and making a few calls. Wish me luck – this will be my first property in NZ, and apparently it’s much harder to buy over there?

    I bought my first house ever in Manchester (UK) a year ago with 100% LTV, a risk that paid off! I’ve just sold with an increase…[Read more]


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