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  • CraigG replied to the topic Buying property in the US in the forum Overseas Deals 10 years, 2 months ago

    Ivan, I should have been a bit clearer. Was just responding to HuMungus saying should scare me if no comments or reviews. If they were sus then I would expect to find reviews.

    By the way, I tried calling you a while ago but did not get through and then got sidetracked. Will try again soon.

  • CraigG replied to the topic Buying property in the US in the forum Overseas Deals 10 years, 2 months ago

    Why? If there were bad experiences out there then I am pretty sure someone would have posted something about it.

  • CraigG replied to the topic Buying property in the US in the forum Overseas Deals 10 years, 3 months ago

    A review of it would be great. Thanks.

  • CraigG replied to the topic Buying property in the US in the forum Overseas Deals 10 years, 3 months ago

    It does seem more difficult than expected to get views of US Invest. Usually I can pick up reviews, comments or whatever for most topics via google searches, but US Invest just does not raise any reviews or comments.

  • CraigG replied to the topic Buying property in the US in the forum Overseas Deals 10 years, 3 months ago

    Thanks Jay. I had not considered doing that if I go with US Invest. But would be well worth the money getting an independent appraisal.

  • CraigG replied to the topic Buying property in the US in the forum Overseas Deals 10 years, 3 months ago

    Just a Bump for Sutcom’s post above.

    I am also looking to invest in the US and have been looking very closely at US Invest for a turn key solution. At least for my first one. They help set up your LLC, provide the property and then manage it. They also have accountants and legal people to help through tax returns, issues, etc. From the research…[Read more]

  • CraigG became a registered member 10 years, 4 months ago


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