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  • Cracker1970 replied to the topic experience in subdivision – brisbane 809 block in the forum Value Adding 12 years, 9 months ago

    I did something similar in Coopers Plains several years ago now(2006). You will also have to factor in water connection and have the blocks re surveyed as the orginal pegs are probably long gone and if you plan on building on both blocks whoever you build through will want the blocks surveyed. If you still want me to dig out my costs on this p…[Read more]

  • Cracker1970 replied to the topic Land subdivision costs in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago

    Thanks for your professional advise so far Giovanni!!!….maybe I am dreaming but at least I have one…you are negative and I feel sorry for you.I was not after free professional advice, I was merely after experienced opinion on what might be the cost of a medium land subdivision. I'm only experienced at small block splitting and was just seeing…[Read more]


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