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  • cowless replied to the topic “I BUY HOUSES FAST” signs in the forum Heads Up! 16 years, 2 months ago

    [quoteTry this number07) 32627130 [/quote] Do youknow who's number this is? A quick google search reveals all. I have no idea why you would give this number…. I dont think I will call it.

  • cowless replied to the topic “I BUY HOUSES FAST” signs in the forum Heads Up! 16 years, 2 months ago

    3112 4382 – This is a service providers number. You call it and leave a message then the service provider sends an email to the relevant person with the details of who has called. A great way to screen all calls. I have never had a call back.

  • cowless replied to the topic Renting out Advertising Space on investment property in the forum Creative Investing 16 years, 2 months ago

    I would seek the appropriate DA planning approval then source it your self. The big billboard companies will only pay you a small amount and charge the people advertisaing absolute bucket loads. I'd say that if it was such a great spot then one of these big companies would have already approached council and or previous land lords to have…[Read more]


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