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  • coopranos replied to the topic minimise capital gains tax in the forum General Property 19 years ago

    Basically, the gain from the sale of the land will get added on to the taxable income of the company.
    If you were to make superannuation contributions (to a certain limit) these could be deducted from the taxable income of the company.
    If you believe that superannuation is the appropriate vehicle for you to put your money into, it can be very…[Read more]

  • coopranos replied to the topic TRAPPED BY NEGATIVE GEARING in the forum General Property 19 years ago

    I am not a hugely experienced property investor at all, but here is my take on your situation.
    You said your aim (or the advisor you spoke to said, and you believed) was for the properties to double in value over about a 10 year period. Why have you thought about changing strategy??
    If that is the strategy you went in with, and you thought…[Read more]

  • coopranos replied to the topic Steps/Procedures involved in Purchasing Property in the forum General Property 19 years ago

    I highly recommend going through a good mortgage broker, they will walk you through each step, and let you know exactly what you need to do and when.
    Given the differences between the states, I think this is the best thing for you to do.

  • coopranos replied to the topic Youngin’ Starting out. in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    If you want to get a loan on your own for an investment property, I dont know of any other way than having a full time job.
    You may investigate the option of your parents guaranteeing the loan for you, I am unsure how that works.
    My suggestion for you if you are thinking of investing in property:
    First, get a book called “The Richest Man in…[Read more]

  • coopranos replied to the topic Non bank Lenders Good or Bad? in the forum Finance 19 years ago

    Mate I think people have given plenty of info on the topic to make a fairly informed decision.
    My opinion is that if you have a decision to make that you consider 50/50 then you dont have a decision to make – you are talking about investing, not gambling, and if a decision is 50/50 then you do not have enough knowledge of an issue to make an…[Read more]

  • coopranos replied to the topic Buyers Agents and Seminars in the forum Heads Up! 19 years ago

    cheers mate, have you used them before? If so how did it go?

  • coopranos replied to the topic Non bank Lenders Good or Bad? in the forum Finance 19 years ago

    I dont mean this with any disrespect at all, but it kind of sounds like you are trying to sell yourself on it as much as anything else.
    I remember I had a car once that I purchased from a car yard. Everyone that saw it told me how it was a lemon and i had been royally ripped off. No matter what these people would say to me, I kept trying to…[Read more]

  • coopranos replied to the topic Renovations, Markets and Tax in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago

    mate there is no legitimate way to “minimise” tax in this scenario.
    If you sell the place your taxable income is going to be:
    Sale price – sale costs – purchase price – purchase costs – holding costs – renovation costs.
    Your net profit will be the profit from the above – tax paid. You just have to treat tax as a cost. If you are on a high tax…[Read more]

  • coopranos replied to the topic Renovations, Markets and Tax in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago

    Hopefully someone with more experience will answer your other questions, but with regards to tax on sale if you are renovating and selling within 12 months, there is no way around this. To get around this is called Tax Evasion and is very illegal.
    You can structure it to minimise your tax by purchasing and operating through a trust or company.…[Read more]

  • coopranos replied to the topic capital gains tax on wraps in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    rather than ask whether there is capital gains tax, it is probably more appropriate to ask whether there there is a taxable income being derived.
    You are undoubtedly making an income, and it would be very hard to argue that it should not be taxable. Your sole purpose for doing it is to makea profit.
    I would suggest that it would be looked at in a…[Read more]

  • coopranos replied to the topic tax question in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago

    What is your business structure? If it is a Trust or sole trader it makes no difference whether you call it wages or hush money, it is still attributed to you 100% taxable – ie as a sole trader your taxable income in the business is your taxable income as an individual, and a Trust will have to distribute all the income each year which will be a…[Read more]

  • coopranos replied to the topic investing our home under my husband’s name only in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    you need to have a think about why you want to do this. I can only see a reason for it if you were going to save a significant amount of money week to week, or if you need to move locations (ie closer to work or something), otherwise you will probably find you are no better off just because you call it an investment rather than your home (in fact…[Read more]

  • coopranos replied to the topic Hello all. Im New and Willinging – long post. in the forum General Property 19 years ago

    Couple of ideas for you:
    – over here in WA we have a government lender called Keystart, they will take into consideration welfare payments as income when calculating your borrowing capacity. Not sure if there is a lender like this in your state but a mortgage broker should be able to assist with this (the WA lender does not lend on investment…[Read more]

  • coopranos replied to the topic CGT question in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    The taxable capital gain will be added to your other income (employment and other investment income). Your total income will then be taxed at the rates found here:

    There is a 12 month CGT discount for individuals and trusts (ie you hold the asset for longer than…[Read more]
