ConsionableConduct replied to the topic Acumen Finance & Nathan Daly in the forum Finance 3 years, 8 months ago
Hi Steve,
I was following a thread regarding Nathan Daley & Acumen Finance quite recently. It appears to have been taken down, this thread being the only remnant of caution for unsuspecting victims financial misconduct.
It appears Acumen always attempt to cover their trail of ruin by taking down any evidence such as their google re…[Read more]
ConsionableConduct replied to the topic Acumen Finance – Nathan Daley Commercial Finance in the forum Commercial Property 4 years ago
This guy has been been defrauding prospective clients for months now. Unfortunately, judging by the timing, you made your enquiry after they had taken down their Google Business page – the page featured multiple reviews that describe exactly as you state in your first post. (See Screen Grabs) [Dated July 2020] 3…[Read more]
ConsionableConduct became a registered member 4 years ago