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  • Profile photo of comdomcomdom
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 92

    Thanks everyone for the information this rent reliant Quote was given to me by the morgage broker i have been using to purchase IP. I do have a job i work for Arnnot’s Buiscuits and have 3Ip’s and have found a 4Th but thinking i may go to an other bank.This has been a dilema for me for a few weeks to move forward because other banks tell me i have to move one of my loans with them to borrow for an Ip.Which i prefer not to so i can have it as a stand alone.I probably have (guessing) $230000 In equity and $620000 In loans all positive geared.
    Again thanks evryone for your information makes it a little clearer.

    Profile photo of comdomcomdom
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 92


    Very good debate on as i understand, + versus – versus other type of investment or none at all.
    Hard to comment as everyone has a differnt opinion or strategy. Bottom line is to stay out of bad debt or to go bankrupt. And the upside is to become financially secure and happy with what you are doing. Along the way learn everything you can to achieve your goals and enjoy our short life on this planet. For me Property investing has been with me for 15 years and has worked for me but my success only came with time and experience.

    I have only learnt + PI in the last year and even though i knew it was their along time ago i needed to have a website like this to show me the benifits.

    Good luck everyone with your goals.


    Profile photo of comdomcomdom
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 92

    Could you not set up a family trust and claim rent on the property you live and rent as a tax deduction?.Providing you have Ip’s in the trust [;)]

    Profile photo of comdomcomdom
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 92

    prediction :to declare or indicate in advance; especially : foretell on the basis of observation, experience, or scientific reason
    intransitive senses : to make a prediction
    Hi all,
    Interesting word i looked it up on an online dictionary (im not having a go at you wayneL) and i have read all of your posts and learning more from everyone here. Eveyone seems to be very inteligent and knowledgable. But after those horrible terrorist attacks and the declining world economy it is near impossible to predict where the sharemarket will go.
    I will keep my betting money for the horses.[;)]

    Profile photo of comdomcomdom
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 92

    I sold mine on e_bay.[;)]

    Profile photo of comdomcomdom
    Join Date: 2003
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    Is their a course or a kit so you can learn to self manage your own properties?[;)]

    Profile photo of comdomcomdom
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 92

    Mayby you could set it up as a unit srtucture for example 20 units at $15000 = $300000 + costs. Each person might roughly have a rental return of $12 weekly based on $250 rent / 20 = 12.50.

    Just a thought

    Profile photo of comdomcomdom
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 92

    I cant answer all your question but one bank had 6.19% fixed for 5 years one month ago and it is now 6.69%. Teusday next week will determine where variable interest rates might be going when RBA meets.

    My solictor advised to get a individul trust as i have 3 IP’s and no buisness.

    Hope this helps

    Profile photo of comdomcomdom
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 92

    Finally a skeptic.[;)]

    Profile photo of comdomcomdom
    Join Date: 2003
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    Buy any chance is the fish named Nemo[;)]

    Profile photo of comdomcomdom
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 92

    Thankyou Kelly1100 i do understand now, that has cleared things up for me and saved me a little time and money.
    Thanks again Dom

    Profile photo of comdomcomdom
    Join Date: 2003
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    Much appreciated for the information thanks for your advise.[;)]

    Profile photo of comdomcomdom
    Join Date: 2003
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    Thankyou Kelly that was exactly what i needed to know and yes running this as a sole buisness is the intention. BUt i dont understand the tax side of it.[;)]

    Profile photo of comdomcomdom
    Join Date: 2003
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    Dont be sorry i have had not one rich person give me money.[;)]

    Profile photo of comdomcomdom
    Join Date: 2003
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    Im sorry i brought up the subject but i was just more or less giving advise to M1in12 the reason i mentioned that it would not be good to publicise is that their are al lot of factors involved. If you new the lotto numbers before the draw would you tell somebody,(extreme), if you studied to be a doctor for 6 years would you hand out your assignments, if you were poor and received ten thousand dollars would you give it away to someone rich? Why are people buying iP’s. I only know of 2 good reasons, to become wealthy or to be your own boss. Im sure their are other reasons but i am also sure that the percentage of people will agree with me. I dont think Steve would reveal his locations on this forum. Rich people dont get rich by giving money away. [;)]

    Profile photo of comdomcomdom
    Join Date: 2003
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    This forum can’t give all the answers but if it were me i would just sit and wait their are plenty of other fish in the ocean.
    Patience is a virtue.

    I cant remember were i heard this but a test to determine 4 year old ability for success in later life was to offer the child 1 piece of chocolate straight away or wait a certain amount of time say ten minutes and receive 2 pieces. I tried it on my 4 year old and she decided to wait ten minutes.


    Profile photo of comdomcomdom
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 92

    I dont think it is wise to publicise in an area where you find property in that price range as it can be snatched from under you and their are over 20,000 members i beleive on this website alone.This has happened before with great resentment and disapointment.

    Profile photo of comdomcomdom
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 92

    He is the rich Dad i am the poor Dad it does not matter whos book is the best or worst or tells the truth or a lie but who sells the most books.

    Now i know where to begin my book.


    Profile photo of comdomcomdom
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 92

    I can go to sleep tonight with a clear conscience.[;)]

    Profile photo of comdomcomdom
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 92
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