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  • DeanCollins replied to the topic Would lenders consider equity from investments abroad? in the forum Finance 8 years, 4 months ago

    @Colin, Yep we weren’t asking for the Australian banks to take into account our NYC PPOR in anyway apart from repayments which like I said CBA screwed up by insisting on calculating the interest rate at 7.25% when our PPOR loan is a 30 year fixed at 3.5% and no matter what we did to explain that the loan was fixed for the next 28 years and 10…[Read more]

  • DeanCollins replied to the topic 5 year fixed rates? in the forum Finance 8 years, 7 months ago

    @Colin, there would be no way we’d sell any of our investment properties within 5 years (forget the break mortgage costs….the stampduty/sales costs would be a killer for people to make such rash mistakes)

    We have other “back up funds” that we have access to should there be temporary issue come up and even if a permanent loss of income should…[Read more]

  • DeanCollins replied to the topic 5 year fixed rates? in the forum Finance 8 years, 7 months ago

    @Colin, there would be no way we’d sell any of our investment properties within 5 years (forget the break mortgage costs….the stampduty/sales costs would be a killer for people to make such rash mistakes)

    We have other “back up funds” that we have access to should there be temporary issue come up and even if a permanent loss of income should…[Read more]


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