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  • colanthea changed their profile picture 9 years ago

  • colanthea replied to the topic The Verdict On Steve McKnight’s 5 Day Bootcamp in the forum Heads Up! 9 years ago

    Hi Steve, Jason & Romy,

    WOW what a massive 5 days.

    Thanks Steve for all the hard work you put into this massive week of knowledge, I know you have personally added a huge amount of time into turning book knowledge into practical knowledge and I am sure everyone who attended left with a head full of ideas and a willingness to implement that…[Read more]

  • colanthea replied to the topic Who do i speak to ? :- Western Suburbs / Sydney in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 5 months ago

    Marshes,The easiest thing to do is go online and search the Council's web page for their LEP Maps which should show you whether the land you are looking at is within a certain zone or whether there are any plans for changes to the zoning of the area in the future. In alot of cases you can research this and plenty of other information from the…[Read more]


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