coast replied to the topic Holiday letting? in the forum Creative Investing 20 years ago
Ive waited to see some experienced comment myself so you may have to settle for my limited knowledge.
I have a couple of blocks of land in the “new Noosa” Agnes Water/1770 which is above Bundaberg Qld. Land is good but pays no bills, “luckily” thay have appreciated considerably allowing us to build a Hoiliday rental house.
You are correct…[Read more]coast replied to the topic FLIPPING PROCEDURE in the forum Creative Investing 20 years ago
firstly you should be asleep now, as making millions in realestate is exhausting work.But you are probably to exited to sleep??
But as youve asked and I have no life, hears my two cents worth.
The big thing and I hope the more experienced out there agree, is you have to plan for what goes wrong… and it will eventually.
By that I mean you…[Read more]coast replied to the topic Brisbane Poperty Investment in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
Hi guys.
I’m fairly new to this forum, so what just happened here??[blink]
Did we cross wires or is there undertones I’m not seeing here!!Coast
coast replied to the topic cheap building ideas (kithomes barns etc) in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago
We are having a Kit home completed as we speak.
Elected to have it built by a builder which is not the norm, but had no time to do it ourselfs.
Nice three bed low set, good verandahs and a bit of style.
This being built at Captains creek not to far from Bundy approx 1 hour. its just short of Agnes water 1770. they…[Read more]coast replied to the topic Agnes Water/1770 in the forum General Property 20 years ago
Thanks GP
Have had a quick look at the threads from somersoft.
As you mentioned quite old and a bit misrepresented, although I’m a little bias as we have been very happy with CG from there, and it gets better every day.
The place has gone ahead leaps in the past two years, and as the somersoft thread mentioned it has appeard to be a rich and…[Read more]