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  • cmrnd replied to the topic C.G.Taxes in the forum Legal & Accounting 18 years, 11 months ago

    Hi there all. I thought i would ask the question as it relates to CGT, but i have heard that if you purchase a place of residency with the “intentions to live in it” and sell it within 6 years that the CGT can be avoided. I also heard that teh gain is passed on to the next residancy you purchase.
    Can somone please let me know if this iis…[Read more]

  • cmrnd replied to the topic Defence Housing Australia in the forum General Property 19 years, 2 months ago

    I have looked into DHA properties and yes i beleive the 16.5% management fee is too high.
    Another note to mention about these properties is that the purchase price is infalted due to the fact of the guaranteed rent over 6, 9 or 12 years depending on the age of the property being purchased. Also the prices they are asking for are non negtiable from…[Read more]


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