clownsta replied to the topic Finance Assistant Pleeesssseee! in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Hi ye all
Looks like I have to beg and borrow funds from family/friends and pay int of 10-20%, billfromoz your rite my plan is to on sell as the time nears to completion 2006 and yes this is to pay for deposit bond. Got no credit card, not very good credit history at the mo, paying off debts one more year to go, doesn’t sound very good does it?…[Read more]
clownsta replied to the topic First Investment Property in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Thank you mel your so helpful and yes I prefer to sell than have to settle, sorry if I sound dumb but are u able to borrow against an OTP unit say 6 months or a year before completion????.
When you onsell the property before completion, be aware that you will not see any of your profit until settlement!! We have one that we put on the…[Read more]
clownsta replied to the topic First Investment Property in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Thanks for your replies much appreciated.
clownsta replied to the topic First Investment Property in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Thanks for sharing your experience and knowledge unfortunately I dont have Steves book to read and I’m sorry I don’t know what u mean by the 11 sec rule???, dont have a credit card to purchase book on line, does anyone know if it is on sale at the bookstores? I live in Sydney.
clownsta replied to the topic Credit History in the forum No Subject 22 years ago
Mortage Hunter
Just sent you an email, and thanks to all for your help………….. and so glad to read your comments
clownsta replied to the topic Credit History in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Scremin, yep found it will send for personal credit file.[?][?][?]
clownsta replied to the topic Credit History in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Scremin, yep found it will send for personal credit file.[?][?][?]
clownsta replied to the topic Credit History in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Thanks for your views, can you recommend any brokers to contact, I live in Parramatta Sydney.
clownsta replied to the topic Buying “off the plan” in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Harold thanks for your reply, and yes they do have glossy brochures and slick advertising, with sky rise 400 units and very unique balcony structure etc, massive views, but can explain what fat margins are? cheers.
I take it this is a MUD. Multi Unit development
You really need to think of how infact this thing will appreciate in capital…[Read more]
clownsta replied to the topic Buying “off the plan” in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Harold, thanks for your reply, and yes the developers do have glossy brochures and slick advertising can you explain what fat margins are? please.
I take it this is a MUD. Multi Unit development
You really need to think of how infact this thing will appreciate in capital gain.
How many units in the building? How many building of a similar kind…[Read more]
clownsta replied to the topic Buying “off the plan” in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
clownsta replied to the topic Buying “off the plan” in the forum No Subject 22 years ago
calron, thanks for your reply, and yes its hard for me to get the ten percent, or twenty percent deposit, at the mo,dunno where or who to see rite now, havent much time……….or some good advice tho, points taken.
well all you need then is the deposit 10%, be it in the form cash, deposit bond (insurance company) or bank guarantee (bank).
You…[Read more]
clownsta replied to the topic Buying “off the plan” in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Hey Calron
Got no assets here renting at the mo, would like some ideas on how to put “long term settlement” plan from bank in place, I think thats what you call it, hoping to buy to flick and reinvest in some other propertys, any suggestions are welcome,
clownsta replied to the topic Buying “off the plan” in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Gidday Richmond
This off the plan is to be launched this Saturday, apartments being built in Queensland, lowest purchase price 223,000.00 plus??? completion date 2006, need 1 percent to secure, this is refundable, 10 per cent dep due within 14 days from launch, looking for capital gains with this investment, hope to sell before settlement date…[Read more]