Do not worry about that anymore…There is no demand so you are going to be the only one offering something, so at the end is how much you are prepared to lose with your offer…50K to 100K off the asking price for properties under 1M is the rule now.Clonesspam
If you like ghost town go and buy a property in one of those mining towns. The smaller the mining company around the riskier the investment is. I am not saying large mining companies will survive, just look at what is happening to OZMinerals, they are the 3rd largest mining company in Australia and are close to administration.Clones
crashy wrote:
clones – you think a 30% fall is "big time"? lets wait for 50%lets look back at oil. there was a "huge shortage" proclaimed a year ago. since then its fallen 75%. what happened to the shortage? is it just as mystical as the "housing shortage"?
Crashy,In fact, I believe the property markey will fall even further and longer. The…[Read more]
It is a Myth, Australia housing prices have fallen big time. There are areas in the big cities that have fallen upto 30% already and it is becoming almost impossible to sell any property.Property above 600K are becoming more and more a liability over here, and their prices are crushing down big time. It can only become worse next year with…[Read more]
CentralChoice wrote:
Three stories…I bought a three bedroom house in Edgewater near Maribyrnong in April last year for $331,000. Did a $2000 reno (patching up cracks on walls, ripping out carpet and polishing the existing floorboards, agents came along and valued it at $550kPrevious to this though, I bought a double storey house with a…[Read more]
Linar wrote:
Its a block of flats. That's the bank valuation. You are wrong you ignoramus.
Ignoramus, sorry Liar, sorry again Linar, Is that a block of flats, because with a rent of 1200 a week it must be only two or three flats or are you just bluffing?. Anyways, good luck you may get 600K if you have the remote chance of selling it.Clones
You may consider your position bad luck or unfortune but I would say that if you hold that property for another 18 months the selling price will be 22K plus lower than what you have achieved. So consider yourself a lucky man for selling for that price and for selling at all.They are so many and many people trying to sell properties everywhere in…[Read more]
Linar wrote:
I sell my positive cashflow property all the time. It all depends on whether I can make more money by holding onto the property or by using the money to buy something that is going to make me more money.I bought a property 3 years ago for $540,000. It currently rents for about $1200 per week. I've got it on the market at the mo…[Read more]
alani wrote:
10% yields are back and 250bn projects and infrastructure planned in mining towns. I know where im buying next!!
Hahahaha, go there alani and buy as much properties as you can, you will be doing some people a favour. I can smell that you have invested heavily on those death towns and you will find much more pain soon. Copper and…[Read more]
From Foundation
“I like the price/dividend ratio myself, by price/earnings (PE) is commonly accepted. Your point being?”
My point is all of these ‘share experts’ quote wonderful sure fire figures , yet less than 1% could explain how their anlysis is calculated , so what does that mean?
The fact is that property investment is and will continue losing its attractiveness.
There will always some people investing in one activity or another and some of them will generate value and some won’t and this is what is happening with property, those that come before the boom have generated value and that image is still in their minds, those…[Read more]
This is really good for those towns in the middle of nowhere, people from the cities buying there and paying IP stamp duties to help revive a bit those towns.
Unfortunaly, commodity booms do not last for ever and investments on those towns will be a trap for the future. I guess you will have to find 2 or 3 ghost that can move in for future…[Read more]
Well, that is why we are talking about a complex that offers solution for kids to play and so on. They do not have big backyards but the have community areas, pool etc
That is the difference.
The net result is not so much lies, damn lies and statistics but rather vendor dreaming, buyer wishing and agent glossing.
Originally posted by shake-the-disease:
210m2 says it all. Why buy a such a property when you can get another one for the same price with 700m2. Remember, land appreciates, buildings depreciate.
Neighbours will be very close and there will be a tiny backyard. Who is going to demand this sort of property in an outer suburb, especially in 10 years…[Read more]