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  • CL3028 replied to the topic What to look for in potential development site? in the forum Value Adding 13 years, 10 months ago

    Lizard wrote:
    Thanks for the info, it has been helpful. Will be looking into the council planning.The area in which we are looking to buy is in a regional city.

    are you based in VIC? if so, i might be able to help you, ‘cos i used to work at a regional local council as a town planner….

  • CL3028 replied to the topic Subdividing – Have I done the wrong thing? in the forum Value Adding 13 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Sash

    have you finally got the permit? i’m interested in engaging PNP too…how does their money back guarantee work? how much do you have to pay upfront? like 100%? or in stages? and if no permit, they would refund EVERYTHING? including all the council fees..etc?

  • CL3028 replied to the topic Zoning in Victoria in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 2 months ago

    you must check the planning scheme, not just general maps, this is the most important site you should check:

  • CL3028 replied to the topic Constrcution work in the unit without council approval in the forum Value Adding 16 years, 2 months ago

    which state are you in, Daniko?if in victoria, it's highly unlikely that council would ask you to pull down the illegal strcutures, it's more likely that you would get fined if council found out…(but really unless if someone reported to council, or if council checked their aerial map for particular reasons, it's unlikely that they would know)i…[Read more]


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