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  • CJH replied to the topic Conference 2017 in the forum Heads Up! 7 years, 3 months ago

    The video was at the gala dinner for fund investors. We filmed a video to thank the team managing the fund’s properties in Florida, especially because they’ve just dealt with the hurricane going through that area.

    Next year is locked in 22nd-24th June at Pullman On The Park in Melbourne.

  • CJH replied to the topic Conference 2017 in the forum Heads Up! 7 years, 3 months ago

    Thanks again Steve.

    Even though I’m not able to do any investing at the moment, as always it was invaluable to be at conference – to be around like minded people which helps me stay focused and keep my thinking on track.

    It was a highlight of my year and I learned many things that will improve my life and the lives of my family.

    Also the Gala…[Read more]

  • CJH replied to the topic What do people think of Steve’s the US Passive Income Fund? in the forum Opinionated! 7 years, 10 months ago

    For anyone invested in the fund and is reinvesting their distributions, at what point do you think it’s best to take the cash instead of redistributing?
    I’m assuming there will come a point when reinvesting at a higher unit price could eventually not provide as good a ROI as taking the distribution as cash.
    Obviously it’s all a matter of opinion…[Read more]

  • CJH replied to the topic Would a planner/advisor help me? Or someone else? in the forum Finance 15 years, 1 month ago

    If you don't want to pay, most brokers won't charge you for the first meeting at least.They can help with a lot of the financial questions you have.With questions like 'what time to buy', everyone has different opinions, it's up to you to take a position on where the market is at.You may want to talk to an accountant about structuring eg what name…[Read more]

  • CJH replied to the topic Investing in greater Sydney over the next six months in the forum It depends,
    What are your
    15 years, 1 month ago

    It depends,What are your goals? eg lump sum profits, capital growth, cashflow, income to live off (financial freedom) etcWhat is your strategy? eg positive cashflow, negative gearing, renovation, subdivision, development, wraps/vendor financing etc'Investing' is such a broad term. Get specific with what you want to achieve out of your…[Read more]

  • CJH replied to the topic a double murder house cheap??? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 1 month ago

    My initial response is of: problem + solution = profit.What is the problem?Is there a solution to it?Any ideas?

  • CJH replied to the topic Is Rudd doing the right thing? in the forum Opinionated! 15 years, 10 months ago

    I think it's too much, I would prefer tax cuts than handouts. Handouts are just a band aid solution.


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