Cindyn replied to the topic is it worth it to keep the first home grant? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 3 months ago
Ok, if i can rephrase the original question then:
If someone is currently renting, would it be better to purchase their first property in NSW, so that they are eligible for First Home Plus – Exemption or Concession from Duty, (in addition to the FHOG), or begin with several cheaper positively geared investments interstate?
Cindyn replied to the topic is it worth it to keep the first home grant? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 3 months ago
So does that mean someone could purchase an investment property in NSW or elsewhere in Australia, but then still quality for the NSW FHOG later provided we can show documented proof of consistently residing elsewhere to the Office of State Revenue?
Previously I was also under the same impression as Jae …
Confirmed … here are two of the…[Read more]