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  • ChristineNurse started the topic How to unstrata a strata units? in the forum General Property 9 years, 4 months ago

    There are 3 units of which I own one as an IP. All the owners are unhappy with the current strata manager. We think we should be able to manage it ourselves. I had a look at the NSW fair trading website. All it says was we can manage it ourselves but it will involve a lot of work! No other information.

    I would like to hear from fellow investors…[Read more]

  • ChristineNurse started the topic Good taxation lawyer abt foreign income in Nsw in the forum Legal & Accounting 9 years, 7 months ago

    Good afternoon,

    Seek your advice. Got a letter from ATO asking me to pay taxes on foreign income for 2013. Anyone knows any good taxation lawyer that I can get advice from?
    Thank you


  • Hello Comrades,

    Just wanted ur 2 cents view…

    I received Strata & Council fees for my 2 properties, just wanted to check if the rate is high when compared to others.

    PPOR:Property 1 (of 33 units) strata fees $373 per quarter & council fees :$764.73 per yr

    IP: Property 2 (of 3 units), next suburb, noted a marked increase,
    Strata fees: 672 per…[Read more]

  • ChristineNurse replied to the topic Depreciation schedule companies in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 7 months ago


    I went with Washington Brown and got a discount. No prob so far. Good luck.


  • ChristineNurse replied to the topic Putting down a Deposit / Making an offer questions in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 7 months ago


    Just my 2 cents, for my properties, I wrote, 'Subject to xyz finance and satisfactory report of property & pest inspection…this offer expires on dd/mm/yy, time'. I'm sure others may have more ideas. Good luck.


  • ChristineNurse replied to the topic Introduction & Where to now? in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 8 months ago


    Can i clarify the advice you gave regarding superman offset. For my IP loans, its IO and no offset account. Is it better than to have at least 1 offset account for every investor? Or would LOC work?

    With the valuations, am I right that its tax deductible?

    Thank you

  • ChristineNurse replied to the topic -Help- First Property PPOR in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 8 months ago


    For my first Property: I went and spoke to 2 banks, 1 credit union, 3 MB!! Yup be prepared to do your due diligence, compare and go with what is logical. I go thru MB due to their flexibility. I printed out a list of Questions to ask MB, i think you can get it on the website and asked a thousand questions! This forum is also a good place to…[Read more]

  • ChristineNurse replied to the topic Getting equity to buy Property 4 in the forum Finance 10 years, 8 months ago

    Hi Jamie/Richard,

    Heres the info

    PPOR: ING, fixed 3 YRS, I, 4.84% ,Loan amt:$230K
    IP1: WESTPAC, fixed I,  1YR, 4.99%, $164K (BOUGHT $242K)
    IP 2: MACQUARIE, Fixed 3yr I, 5.19%, $240K

    Cash / Savings: $20k, BUT only want to use $10K

    So have I dug myself into a hole?

  • ChristineNurse replied to the topic Financial Goals 2014-lets share in the forum Forum Frolic 10 years, 8 months ago


    CheckDavid- Online: i meant my online savings account (e.g. Ubank, Rabo)- gives me better interest rate than most banks.

    LSreng: What an enviable position you're in! A good start to 2014. I need to boost my cash before attempting to buy IP4.

    Richard/Jamie: Thanks for the advice, always appreciated. Currently reading Yardney's book on…[Read more]

  • ChristineNurse replied to the topic Career Advice Please!!! in the forum Opinionated! 10 years, 8 months ago

    Terry / Richard,

    With all the experience and learning lessons you both had, have you considered writing a book or better still, coming up with a online education course thingy? We freshies (new investors) can learn from you.

  • ChristineNurse replied to the topic potential preoprty investment stratergys in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 8 months ago

    HI Daniel,

    Just wanted to ask you how do you find the course? Is there alot of online content that you have to study yourself? Are there any classroom or video based learning?

  • ChristineNurse replied to the topic Financial Goals 2014-lets share in the forum Forum Frolic 10 years, 8 months ago

    Hi All,

    Thank you all for the sharing. I look forward to more.

    Richard-I'm looking forward to what you're going to say due to your experience. Any learning points for 2013?

    Lsreng: Can you share how you plan to structure the finance for the 4th & 5th IP? The finance bit does my head in, I really want to understand as its important. I'm hoping…[Read more]


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