Total Members: 159,717


  • Chris2004 replied to the topic Let’s celebrate Marital vows! in the forum Forum Frolic 20 years ago

    I agree that all the ‘Hullabaloo made about the ceremony & reception ruins the experience’. This is why myself and my husband decided to elope until the dam old relies found out! We ended up flying to Sydney & the parents meet us and got married with a simple ceremony with a celebrant overlooking the Sydney harbour bridge, totally amazing.

    Even…[Read more]

  • Chris2004 replied to the topic Alice Springs Investors Group in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Perfect so that makes three!

    If any one else would like to come PM me before Wednesday 19th.

    See you then [biggrin]

  • Chris2004 replied to the topic Alice Springs Investors Group in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Just a really nice little bar!

    I’ll see if any one else replys and then I say we set a date for next week.

    I’ll PM everyone when I have more names.

    See you soon Myydral!

  • Chris2004 replied to the topic Which City/Suburb you live? in the forum Forum Frolic 20 years ago

    Wow others from Alice Springs, me to!

    Would love to get together with others for a chat group!

    Don’t talk about Katherine floods, heading up that way to live in March.

  • Chris2004 replied to the topic Norseman in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    I’ve been lookin at this little mining town area myself, population currently around 800.

  • Chris2004 replied to the topic Mortgage Calculators & Information Sheets in the forum Finance 20 years ago

    Look forward to using it when it’s fixed.

    Might contact you re: refinaning my loans.

    Renee [biggrin]

  • Chris2004 replied to the topic Mortgage Calculators & Information Sheets in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    In the ‘home loan repayments calculator’ & ‘how much can I borrow calculator’, can’t see whats in the yellow boxes?

  • Chris2004 replied to the topic Mortgage Calculators & Information Sheets in the forum Finance 20 years ago

    I don’t know if it’s just me but I can’t seem to scroll down the screen on your site?????


  • Chris2004 replied to the topic Mortgage Calculators & Information Sheets in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Well I have to say that your home loan calculator is the most accurate that I have used. Most sites I’ve been on are all over the shop with them.

    Great! [biggrin]


  • Chris2004 replied to the topic hidden tenancy agreement in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    The company is paying for my husband through his work. Unfortunatly it’s been company policy for years.

    I’ll look into the spouse option, thanks.

  • Chris2004 replied to the topic Can anyone recommened a Landlord Insurance Company in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Contact Mark Webster in Asp, he did all my insurance with CGU. Their easier to talk to rather than going straight to CGU.

  • Chris2004 replied to the topic How strange is this!!! in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Thanks I think I will. The office is in Alice Springs.

    It’s sad really for them, they obviously haven’t sold many properties over the past year to replace the photo. It’s not like it’s a beautiful expensive house either that they would want to hold claim to selling, it’s just an old housing commission house nothing very special at all!

    This…[Read more]

  • Chris2004 replied to the topic Do a nice thing for a stanger in the forum Forum Frolic 20 years ago

    And what was the postmans reply to this??


  • Chris2004 replied to the topic what to do with profits made? in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Hi femaleage20, I’m also in good old Alice Springs! I have two properties in Alice, one IP and one PPOR that is soon to be my second IP when I leave town in Feb05.

    My suggestion to you is keep your property, both my properties have added considerable capital gains over the last few years and I can’t see it stopping. My PPOR has added over…[Read more]

  • Chris2004 replied to the topic 2 IP …really scared!! in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Thanks Derek, makes sense![exhappy]

  • Chris2004 replied to the topic Renting – carpet vs floorboards in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    I live in a hot climate so decided to put floor boards in all three of the bedrooms of my IP. The carpet had had it’s day and vinal floorboards where less expensive to replace then with carpet, also they have a 10 year warrantee. They look great!

    In the Uk, um for sure carpet!

  • Chris2004 replied to the topic 2 IP …really scared!! in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Above all remember any loss of income is subsidised (by your appropriate tax rate) by the ATO and as such your end of year out of pocket expenses are not as bad as they seem.

    What does this mean?

  • Chris2004 replied to the topic 2 IP …really scared!! in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    My partner is now very keen to sell our PPOR and with the profits use this to purchase 2-3 IP in the following few months. We should make around $70,000 profit so this is over $20,000 deposit for each IP.

    Our PPOR has a swimming pool so we think we’d rather sell it off and not have to worry about an aging pool which may prove to be quite…[Read more]

  • Chris2004 replied to the topic 2 IP …really scared!! in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Wow what a reply. I do feel much better this morning just got a bit on top of me yesterday.

    I live in a small town of 28,000, xmas time people leave and with the new year they seem to start coming back.

    Um thanks for the advice Jeff but I think at this point I think I’ll stay with 2IP and slowly work my way up.

    Does everyone think that this is…[Read more]

  • Chris2004 replied to the topic Darwin housing market. in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Darwin has an overdose of apartments & units that have been built over the last few years, good rental returns but high turn over of tennants -bit of a tricky market. If I was to invest in Darwin I’d go for a house in the middle to high priced areas, don’t touch units to many of them.
