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  • choppercraven replied to the topic Backyard subdivision in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Hi baysider

    I am looking to purchase an investment property in the next year or two where I do something similar to what you are proposing. I jumped on this forum because I wanted to find someone who is about to go through the process as I have never done one before. I am a property Valuer and understand a fair amount of what you would need to…[Read more]

  • choppercraven replied to the topic Information on block sizes in Victoria in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    One way is to ring the relevant local council and ask for the valuation department. However they don’t always give you this information. Another way is to check out and go to the interactive map this will give a reasonably accurate measurement of the land.

    Hope this helps.

    The website above has lots of other good info…[Read more]

  • choppercraven replied to the topic Spotting in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Thanks for your reply Steph.
    Yeah thats what iv got to work out. I see all these good deals that could be done, but cannot do anything about it.
