Cherie16 replied to the topic Advice please in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 11 months ago
Hi Chris
The best property for you to purchase is the one that will provide you with the best outcome, in the shortest time for the least pain! Before you buy a property you need to understand how you expect the property to make money for you – are you planning to buy and hold and rely on capital growth or do you plan to renovate/sub-divide…[Read more]
Cherie16 replied to the topic Buying Investment Property 50/50 with Family Member in the forum General Property 12 years, 6 months ago
Also think about the ageing process. Presumably your father is much older and so, we have found, that as family members age, there is a whole other set of challenges. So along with death, divorce and bankruptcy add on to that dementia.
Good luck with your purchase