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  • Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    [biggrin]I agree with John Howard as leases are okay to start with and some of the best bargains are long term stuff. Our new place has a 25 year term and we are only paying $300 per week fixed for the next 2 years. i reckon thats okay. We also have an option on the freehold which i am sure the vendor will offer us in due course. Shaun my number is 03 9705 2226. Am home most of the time but if not here leave message on the machine.


    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    [thumbsupanim]Hi Shaun,
    No drama!! Next time. Have sent you an email with my number to call me about the possible pub. Catch you soon.


    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    [confused2]Shaun & Simon,
    If you are both in melbourne this saturday you are both more than welcomed to come to my place for a beer. I have 20 dozen home made brews sitting here rangeing from lager’s to bitter;s and besides i can cook!!!! i have been brewing for 15 years now so i have it down pat!!!

    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    [inlove]Thanks Simon!!! I will talk to shaun and try to help him out.

    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
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    [biggrin]I would be concerned about the turnover unless that is net profit and in a 3 pub town the population should be at least 1500. We got involved with someone in a pub 2 years ago and got a little burnt by his actions but came out of it okay ans we take over our new place in 2 weeks time. Check out the CUB figures and the spirit sales as well and that way you will get a better idea. Depending on the council you may also get rate releif for the 1st 2 years. i could tell you a lot more and if required send me a PM.

    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    [biggrin]Also try whereis i have found that one great for looking in QLD.[thumbsupanim]

    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    [thumbsupanim]Well done!!!!!! We have also invested in the same area and have done okay. You are on your way now and all the best

    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    [strum]We had a situation last year when we bought a place with a tennant but it to was run down. We ended up asking the tennent to visit his mum for 2 weeks in nth qld and in that time we didnt charge him rent and we did all the reno’s and then got it revalued. When he got back he was rapt at what we had done and he started paying the extra $10 per week on his rent and he is still there!! Win, win for both sides.

    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    [biggrin]i still love the fact that we have acess to these people and i dont believe that they do the wrong thing. if we get private messages we have the choice to delete them and i am sure that we get a lot worse from other sorces. Great to have these people online and Steve i think you got it wrong as i love getting info from these brokers.

    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    [specool]I am a part time investor as well as a chef so i understand where you come from lizzy!! Have just bought a pib in country victoria in which i will do some cooking part mainly stand at the bar and look good!!!!!!!

    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    [offtopic]I didnt know that the taliban were in Australia? I have learnt so much off these people over thew last few months and if they even load their questions so what you have the power to edit their input anyway! I have had 2 very good chats privatly with 2 brokers and not at any stage have they said come with them and yet in fact they have recommended that i stay with the broker that i currently have so i cant see how it is loaded. To you and the moderaters get off your ego’s! ibet this won;t even make the site.Chefman

    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    [specool]We had a situation ealier in the year where 2 vals that were done on 2 places in QLD came in at the same price we paid 14 & 18 months before. After speaking to the valuers they reckon that the market in this area had dropped by 50% in the last 6 months!!! The area is still the hottest spot in s.e. QLD and i reminded them that 2 units in one complex had sold for $50,000 above what he had valued them at. They both worked for the same company and i had no joy out of them so i complained to a government body who have been teriffic in the way they have gone about dealing with my complaint. Some severe action is now taking place against them and i expect a favourable reult soon. There is always a way!!!


    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    [rolleyesanim]You have not tasted my vindoloo!!!!!!!

    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    [strum]You can go to a new accountant and relodge a return providing you have all relevant document as we did that a few years must find one that deals in property though. Chefman.

    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    [biggrin]We only pay 6% but that is all inclusive and we have an agreement with the agent that any repairs up to $120 they do without calling us. Anything major they call and ask us what wqe would like to do. have never had a problem with our PM.

    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
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    Post Count: 61

    [suave3]We always check with the bc on the building cover as you just never know and we always check that it is up to date. With landlord insurance we use BOM as they have a very good product for landlords and in a recent claim we had where the tennant killed himself they covered the cost of the clean up as he had been there for a week before the agent was notified!!!!!!it was a mess and it was done without drama’s and when it was done you would not even know it had happened. Worht considering.


    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
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    Tim Brosnan in south melbourne. His number is 9696 4999 mobile 0422 334 561. He has got us set up for the different thinks that we do and will explain the best way.

    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    thanks redwing!!! I will let you know when i crack the champagne!!

    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    Hi Everyone,
    My update is that i lodged a complaint with the valuers board regarding the values given and after some not so hard paperwork the valuers have been asked to ‘please explain’!! I provided the back up needed to show why i believe that they are worth more than what they put down and the board have agreed with me that we should have get more than what was given. I did do one val thru a contact and it came in more than $40,000 than the original value which i gave to the board. I wont know the outcome for a week or so but one valuer has offered to forgo his fee on one of the vals so what does that say. No i am not selling!!!! To good to sell and yes i have bought sight unseen but that is i have got to know some agents up there and they give me a call to say what they have got and as i know the area pretty well i can say yes to something. Last week i got 2 properties for other people which were at least $15,000 under what they should be returning 9%. It is good for the agents and for me to be in this situation as then when i go up there we meet at the local irish pub late afternoon and get out the voodoo doll and start sticking pins into it and depending on who we hate on the day it might be valuers or lenders and we release our fustraion!!! Gee, it makes us feel better!!! Will let you all know the outcome.


    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    Hi derek! And i thought it was just me!!! Like you i keep an eye on things as well and when the valuer came to our plce in melbourne it came in spot on. i will be taking this further with my broker.


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