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  • Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    Hi Scamp,
    I have been on this forum few a few years now and even thou i dont post that often i always look at what people have to say. Your comments are stupid like yourself. There are plenty of people of have done very well and still continue to do so including my wife and myself. We are very selective on what we buy and we still do very nicely so your comments are just outrages. You are a f***fit of the greatest proportions so why dont you go back to your little warren and leave the people of this forum alone.

    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    Hi Bootlace,
    I like kylie went into logan in late 1999 and have bought and sold there as well as doing a few in beenleigh. Like wise we have done some updating on the units and are now getting better rents as a result. Last year we even bought for other people in logan & surrounds and they have done really well. The area has changed dramaticly since we 1st bought there and we are now doing our 2nd 4 unit development in ipswich and it would not have happened without the gains we made in other area's. Sometimes the story is better than the book cover.

    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    Hello there,
    My wife had it done 2 years ago and hasnt looked back and it cost $4,000 in melbourne. I knew it had worked when within 3 days she woke up one morning and looked at me and siad you are very unattractive man!!!! Yep!!! it worked!

    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    Hi There,
    We use LMW in Hampton and have found them to be fair and professional. Depending on where you are i can give you the valuers name who does that area.


    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    Hi There,
    We have lived in Narre Warren for the last 7 years and are building ou at Pakenham and the new bypass has already made a big difference. The land prices have gone very berko over the last 18 months and a valuer i know loves this area of the world and he likes the chase. Very good growth over the next 5 years according to him so well done.


    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    Sounds familar to me. I had the same drama with Robyn and it took me 7 years to get her to do the 1st one but after that we were on our way. we have done very nicely over the last 6 years And even a few months ago she rattled my cage by saying she would quit work to spend more time with me!! I am out of hospital now and she has said that she will keep working as she loves her job and can look around the shops in the city. I am also in a situation where i can go out and do a deal and she says thats nice dear!! In fact Robyn reckons what i do is boring looking at the computer and newspapers but as i said to her i find going into all those shops boring!!! It evens out, Just go with the flow as i am sure that your partner will come around. As for the bloke with the $35,000 car and cant buy more good luck!!!

    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    hey m-k bombs in iraq has nothing to do with me so why dont you read the post as tounge in cheek as it was posted. you idiot. Wife read the post and loved it. Go hide back in a dust bin.

    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    Hi Martin,
    I found council really good but i did have some really fantastic help from the builder who works in the area. The y know the place is going ahead so are giving full support and with all the money that is going into area means that stuff like what we do they are moving forward big time. Rentals are a big issue within ipswich as not enough. How are you simon? Not sure about next project but am going up on staturday for a week as wife gave me leave pass so no shops to go look at and can really do things in my own time. Will look at the outskirts of Ipswich more so north as that area in another council they are starting to approve lots of small sub divisions so might look at doing some specs. Will spend some time at logan admireing the transfomation that has gone on there in the last few years. Very stunning what has happened there!!! Will let you know what i find.


    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    we have bourght in waterford and are very happy with what we have done. Rentals in high demand and as has been said will benifet from the s/e plan. Would also agree with crestmead.

    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    Thanks for the replys!! I am making sure the deposit doesnt get paid and i am sure i will get the attention of my legal person. i am confident that i hold the trump cards in all of this. Will let you know the outcome.

    Regards Chefman[thumbsupanim]

    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    [grrr]Yeah!!! Forgot about the tomatoe sauce as they had that on everything as well!!!!!!!!!!! We were in a place that i called hell but it’s real name was Donald between Ballarat and Mildura. My doctor has told me that the nightmares that i have been having will subside once i go back to the real world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    [biggrin]Hi Del,
    It is in Donald halfway between Ballarat and Mildura and the beer is always cold and really a great little town. The change has done us the world of good. Where were you looking at in western vic? By the way our pub is called the shamrock and we are the middle pub. Hope to meet you some day.

    Regards Chefman

    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    [biggrin]Thanks everyone! Our pub is in donald victoria between ballarat and mildura and is mainly farming of sheep and canola crops. Hey simon you just never know. And the crest we have a great deal with the local motel as well for his guest’s as we deliver to the door and we also have a function room which holds 50 people and and we have got 3 bookings from him next month so he is going to have 90% occupancy. Cool hey!

    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    [biggrin]It is in doanld central victoria with a population of 2500 and they all like a beer!!!!!![blush2]

    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    [biggrin]We use melbourne body corp and have done so for the last 9 years. Call peter scott on 9752 0679 and have a chat to him. Very helpful he is and i hope this helps you.

    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    [biggrin]great subject and great info from all!!!!!!! We are also in the middle of a subdivsion of 10 acres into 1/2 acre blocks and it has been a great learning experience. Lots of work but the end result so worthwhile! yes Kay this our big deal and do you reckon the better half love’s it!![suave] Once project completed wife can then retire. very cool.[chef2]

    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    [biggrin]We are going to cash one in and hold the other 2 as they have great lease’s in place. We will use the money on another project that i have found in QLD.


    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    [biggrin]We bought up there 18 months ago and coulndn’t believe what we paid for them! Now i am in even more shock as to what you would pay now!! The region is going ahead big time but can it be sustained? Do your homework.


    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    [rolleyesanim]Yep Shaun,
    On to the next deal!!!! If you want i have a folder with most brokers of pubs in vic & qld so if you want it just let me know.


    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    [smiling]I know the guy who put that together[good port adelaide man!] and spent a lot of time and money doing it. It was on a current affair a few years back and the system then was very good as it explained a lot of things about finance and insurance. What is like now i dont know but might be worthwhile to have a look.


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