charlescrowley replied to the topic auto responded email in the forum Creative Investing 12 years ago is a good one. I would recommend that for you as I have been using the same and I am very satisfied so far.
charlescrowley replied to the topic Rent To Buy In WA in the forum Creative Investing 12 years ago
$15,000 is cheap. I would have been deceived too if it was me.
charlescrowley replied to the topic has anyone delt with these guys US prime property in the forum Heads Up! 12 years ago
I totally agree with you. A friend of mine purchased from them and they seem to be doing what they say.
charlescrowley replied to the topic What else do you do? in the forum Forum Frolic 13 years ago
I've just recently enrolled myself to the Gym. I want to burn lots of calories in my stomach.
charlescrowley replied to the topic Hello in the forum Forum Frolic 13 years ago
Hello Everyone,
I'm so glad I came across to this forum. It has been helping me in a lot of ways.charlescrowley replied to the topic If I were a millionaire…. in the forum Forum Frolic 13 years ago
If you say in your mind that you can never be a millionaire, then it is never going to happen unless you are fortunate enough to win a lottery that is worth millions.
Anyways, when I become a millionaire, I would tour all around the world and have a house on each country I visit.charlescrowley replied to the topic Profile picture in the forum Site Problems / Feedback 13 years ago
Let's redo the steps:
1. Log-in to
2. Go to the homepage of the website
3. Watch this image
4. Scroll down to the bottom until you see this the steps still don't work, that would be your browser problem. I use google…[Read more]
charlescrowley replied to the topic LAND AND BUILDING COSTS in the forum Commercial Property 13 years ago
I agree with you. Location is what determines the value of a property.
charlescrowley replied to the topic Advice on book selection in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
I would recommend '7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey' as posted above by NHG. I have read the book and you might want to check it out aswell.
charlescrowley replied to the topic Profile picture in the forum Site Problems / Feedback 13 years ago
I uploaded an image about your concern. The image is too big to post so I chose to post the link instead of the actual picture.
I hope it helps.charlescrowley replied to the topic First Post in the forum Opinionated! 13 years ago
Hey daveskis,
I, myself, am a new member on this forum and I find it very useful. You're very much welcome here. You'll find your answers here definitely and share your knowledge at the same time.charlescrowley replied to the topic New Site: What do you think? in the forum Hello Steve, 13 years ago
Hello Steve,
I'm new to your forum and I haven't seen your previous forum look but I think you have done well with this one. One thing I like most is your site is very user friendly.