certifiedfinancialplanner replied to the topic What to do with $135k of super in the forum Help Needed! 11 years, 1 month ago
There is no such thing as a standard fund. The question is not how much you have in super but what you plan to have in the future, and what the costs of managing this are. Generally people try to have $150,000 or more because some accountants charge $5000 or more per year. Clearly if the ongoing management would cost $1000 then the starting…[Read more]
certifiedfinancialplanner replied to the topic commercial property management in the forum Commercial Property 13 years, 1 month ago
I am very cautious about commercial property as the decline in China, slowdown in economy here in Oz as a result may bring lower yields as a result. More here http://inkom.com.au/blog/should-you-dump-china-stocks
certifiedfinancialplanner replied to the topic What to do with $100k in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 1 month ago
Best advice is HOLD OFF and do NOTHING. The market will drop in the next 3 months as China assets dropped 28% last month and the sentiment will come here on the back of Asian investors. Traditionally Dec-Jan are the most expesive months to buy seasonally so I’d wait till Feb at least. That’s sound advice, not a sales pitch that you are used to…[Read more]