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  • catt replied to the topic Need suggestions for buying property in Melbourne in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Hi Robbie. Welcome to Melbourne. You are in a very enviable position and if you play your cards right you should do very well for your self. People have advised that rather than jumping into the market you test the water.Better to wait untill you have some market knowledge so that you can make informed choice.You need to think about where you…[Read more]

  • catt replied to the topic New to the board, new to Aus…..what would you do in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Great idea. The problem with living by yourself is that you have nearly the same overheads as two people.I rented out a room to a person from work. It worked out very well till I got married.It was a very happy house hold. It worked well because we were both mature and respected each others privacy. John

    John Groeneveld

  • catt replied to the topic Investing – How to choose a property? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Hi Joel. I would be looking at property that is reasonably close to home. In Central Coast explore whats being planned in the area.Make sure all the infilstructure is inplace. In the long term you will do better if there are water views.

    John Groeneveld

  • catt replied to the topic foreclosures??? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Just as well. Its not very Australian to profit from other peoples misfortune. Just m.o.a. John

    John Groeneveld

  • catt replied to the topic What do you look for in a property? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Labour has been the main input for our IP We spent $1350 on rubbish skips. $1500 floorsanding. $1550 fence and gates. $2000 new bench tops and construction of back porch and steps.$1000 slim blinds. $500 paint and hardware.The house looks really great and the first tenant to walk in sighned.Local residents cant believe the changes. I am sure that…[Read more]

  • catt replied to the topic What do you look for in a property? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Very appropriate for me that you should ask this question.Recently we purchased our first IP.We found you can easily overdo things and it has a tendency of soaking up cash. The people at Bunnings see more of me than my family. I have spent hours sanding filling and painting. If there is a lesson here. You must have short term and long term plan.…[Read more]

  • catt replied to the topic Renovations during the settlement period in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Recently we bought our first investment property fromelderly vendors moving to a residential. I requested permission from their solicitors but was not allowed. We had hoped to start cleaning up the garden which is neglected. N[baaa][baaa][baaa]ext time we purchase we will make this a point in the negotiations. We look like loosing 2 weeks rent at…[Read more]

  • catt replied to the topic neg gearing in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    Yes I have thought about the freeway proximity. Blacky south has proximity to other things. It would be great to be a 5 minute walk from a station too.Do you think there is still capital growth in the area ? Rgards John.

    John Groeneveld
